A blog post at last!
I bet you all thought I had disappeared
well truth is, I almost did!
Thanks to all who told me that I had comments disabled on the last post
I didn't even know and thought you were all ignoring me
by the time I realised it was off it was too late to turn it on!!!
I didn't even know and thought you were all ignoring me
by the time I realised it was off it was too late to turn it on!!!
It has been dull and dark here so I needed something to brighten those long day
flowers were the call of the day
flowers were the call of the day
lovely yellow and pretty white...
♥ t u l i p s ♥
lots of knitting happening
I made some pretty love hearts,
and bought a book to help me along the way
and I have a bag full of yarn so am raring to go...
The weather has been upside down,
one day really cold
What I bought...
I was out shopping during the week and
treated myself to a new bag in the sales in Carraig Donn
I was out shopping during the week and
treated myself to a new bag in the sales in Carraig Donn
down from €50 to €29
it's a good size so should come in useful
happy happy days...
happy happy days...

I also bought some pretty brushes for the kitchen in Primark all under €3
they're almost too nice to use...
and a lovely (big bauble) neckpiece in Dunnes which was €25 but reduced by 75% to €7.50
an oldfashioned cookbook for €5
I have tried out some of the recipes and they're yummy (maybe too yummy)
I'll be back on that diet if I don't watch myself!
A giveaway...
I just want to mention a lovely giveaway at Sweet Like Cinnamon
Look at the fab prize she has for one lucky winner...
Sweet Like Cinnamon is an Irish blogger
she shares recipes, pretty things and good ideas on her pages
She has 10 followers but should have more
why not pay her a visit become a follower and enter the giveaway..
you never know you could have beautiful hands and feet in a couple of weeks
and wouldn't we all love that!!!!
The closing date for this giveaway is Valentine's Day ♥
Alessandra from Homemade@myplace
has awarded me the Liebster award
Thank you so much Alessandra, I appreciate it very much.
Alessandra has a wonderful blog full of creativity
she is certainly a very taleneted lady.
Why not pop over and say hello
The closing date for this giveaway is Valentine's Day ♥
An award...
has awarded me the Liebster award
Thank you so much Alessandra, I appreciate it very much.
Alessandra has a wonderful blog full of creativity
she is certainly a very taleneted lady.
Why not pop over and say hello
{Green Day 30}
I love your knitted pink hearts-wish I could do that. I won't be in Green Day 'cause I don't have any green to speak off.
Hi Fiona!!! Happy you are back in your full splendor!!!
Thank you for linking back to my blog and for your lovely comment!!! Smack!!!
Love your knitted heart and your tulips!!!
xxxx Ale
happy weekend!!!
Thanks Fiona for such a lovely mention! Have a great weekend :-)
Nice to see you back.
I loved your tulips and floral brushes.
Happy weekend! Hugs
You are such a nice promoter, and you know that I like to follow interesting blogs, thanks for the tip!
And love love your knitting!
Happy Friday!
I always want my backlink to go straight to the post where I enter but I can´t find your permalink. I usually find it with the title but you have none. :(
So nice to see things moving around here again, Fiona. I thought you had comments off on the last blog entry because you just wanted some peace!
What a fun flowery dustpan and brush!
I just love your "wet stuff" blurry photo through rain!
Lovely yellow tulips and such a pretty soft knitted pink heart! See, the rain gives us craft time!
Those "Grandma's Best Recipes" books are great, aren't they? I've got one and just adore the decorated pages!
Have a lovely weekend, whatever the weather. It's always good for something!
Oh the white tulips are just gorgeous! Eek, that rain:( Hope the sun will soon appear!
Pięknie rozjaśniłaś te szare, smutne dni tulipanami. Zakupy też ciekawe i bardzo podoba mi się torebka. Gratis też uroczy dostałaś. Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
Beautifully adorned the gray, sad days tulips. Shopping also interesting and I really like the bag. Got a lovely free. Regards warm.
Olá, Fiona! Desculpe eu não ter comentado semana passada, imaginei que havia desativada o comentário por não ter colocado suas imagens. Nossa, setá mesmo muito frio por aí...fico encantada com seu jeito de colorir os dias, arranjando peças floridas e confeccionando corações. :) As tulipas estão lindas! Um abraço!
I love all your colorful photo's Fiona. Wool and tulips always are my favorites. Have a nice weekend
A very pretty post - and I'm so glad to see that comments are back in their rightful place:-)
Have a lovely weekend.
Nothing like some yellow and white, and a bit of pink and some "bobs and baubles" to brighten the day! I enjoyed . . .
You got some great bargains on your shopping trip Fiona. The knitting looks good even if your weather doesn't :) Enjoy today.
There is nothing like some bright, cheery flowers and bargain hunting to brighten the blahs of winter!
We're having crazy whether here in Toronto as well -- deep freeze, then snow, then VERY mild temps, then drop down temps again, rain and more snow. It's a mixed bag...and now that we're at February we're that much closer to spring!
Olá Fiona, ainda bem que voltou! Pois o Inverno tem sido difícil, mas a primavera parece estar já a espreitar! Lindo tudo que comprou! E esses corações de tricô, encantadores. Tenha um bom fim-de-semana. Abraço Ailime
Nice to have you back! Thanks for leaving such lovely comments on my blog and for following it:)
hello Fiona,
nice to see you back.
you might have noticed, that i have opted out of the green day... am just posting now and again.
you bought some nice things there.
pretty necklace.
love the tulips.
looks wet and cold.
wishing you a good weekend.
that brush and pan set is adorable. :) and i really like white tulips (and roses, too). glad you're back and we can 'talk' to you again! :)
Love the tulips! Those pretty brushes might make cleaning fun. :)
Always good to see you here Fiona. We could never forget you! I love those pretty pink hearts you are knitting. Also love the dustpan and brush. So pretty, to make the housework a little brighter! Isn't it wonderful to be able to have tulips in the house again. I just love them. Thankfully, the days are just getting that little longer each week and, hopefully, there is lots to look forward to. Sending hugs your way.
Fiona, você fez um lindo post! Amei sua tulipa, minha flor predileta! Encantou-me o coração de tricô e se puder coloque a receita para eu fazê-lo. É muito lindo tudo aqui!Encantou-me! Grande abraço e um lindo final de semana! Beijos!
Great to have you back. Loving the flowers. Have a lovely weekend
Such glorious colors. Glad you're back!!
hi there...nice to see you back! My friend bought me some lovely red and white tulips the other day and they have cheered me me up so much on these dark and wet days we've been having..also the snowdrops are coming out now...spring atlast! I'm having a little giveaway over at mine too if you fancy taking a peek xx
Hi Fiona, such a lovely post and how do you get your photos to look so gorgeous? Mine are always so blurry. I'll need to get a few tips. Love your purchases .. I'm always a sucker for a nice handbag and loving your household items from Penneys. Also, just to say, please, please don't think I was offended by your comments on my post (the 'pearls' one) Quite the reverse! I was delighted with the feedback and what's more, you were all absolutely right. In fact by the time I'd read all the comments, I was laughing out loud at the hard time the poor pearls were getting:) Have a lovely weekend. Helen
Love Tulips, Spring is coming
Hi Fiona! lovely photos:) That bag is gorgeous... great colour to have. Hope you have a good weekend!
~Anne xx
Hi Fiona, nice to see you back. I haven't blogged too much either recently. I really need to try and get back into it.
I've not been out to take any pictures either - the weather here is really horrible. Rain, rain, rain, wind and cold brrrr. It's the kind of weather that makes you want to stay indoors.
Hope you have a lovely weekend. :)))
Fiona, nice to see you posting! I do love your beautiful tulips, they would cheer me up on a Blah day. This winter has been very strange lots of ups and down temperatures. Your new bag is pretty and I like the size. Wishing you a happy weekend, Eileen!
Fiona, I'm proud of you - you actually knitted a heart! I've never done that - go, girl!
A lovely post and a great meme.
Hi Fiona,
Welcome back!, here I am on Saturday as I said.
OMG, how progress for your knitting, stunning pink heart. love it, you see now you are a crafter ;)happy for you.
so many amazing stuffs you've shopped. the brushes pretty colors.
I would love to join the give away then.
Have a nice weekend my dear Fiona.
love ya
You've outdone yourself--the collage of your pictures is beautiful! I especially love the flowered brushes.
Beautiful flowers, and congratulations on the award.
I've not participated in Green Day before but it does look like fun. I hope my pictures green enough, that's about as green as it gets around here just now!
Cute photos x
Check my Cath kidston give away
HI Fiona! Love your photos! What a good shopping trip too :-) All the best xx
Loved your photo collage...brightened my rainy day...you should make the cake on the front of the book for Valentine's Day...bake it in heart shaped pans.
Mama Bear
Hello dear Fiona!
I really thought you didn't want any comments on your last post, now I feel quilty I didn't tell you about it through twitter!
I am glad you are back anyway, it looks like your are making some really lovely stuff!
The weather has been so weird here too. From -20 to 0 and to -10 in a week... The roads are so slippery its dreadful...
I wish you a warm cozy Saturday evening : )
Wow, it is cold where you are! Shiver!
Love your new bag and necklace. Cute floral kitchen brushes.
I never learned to knit. Your heart is so pretty. I always enjoy your pictures. They are always colorful and cheerful and give me a happy feeling. Even though you have lots of dull and dreary days you have inner sunshine.
Thanks for the encouragement about my broken candlestick. Have a good weekend.
Dear Fiona,
It's always nice to see you! I've missed your posts!
Love your new bag and necklace!
I hope you're enjoying your Sunday. :)
Good Afternoon Fiona, Welcome back, we all missed you.
I love your Primark dustpan and brush, it reminds me of a Cath Kidson material.
Isn't it lovely to see spring flowers in the shops, not that it feels like spring, it is soooo cold at the moment, but do you know I think I saw the tip of a snowdrop in the garden. I am going to check again a little later in the week.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
Best Wishes
The weather has been a little upside down lately, hasn't it? But you seem to have found an excellent way to brighten your days. Love that blue necklace :)
Have a lovely week!
So glad that you are back with us! I thoroughly enjoyed this post!! What a mix of flowers.knitting (loved the little heart you're making) and shopping. Full of all sorts of interesting things! I loved seeing all the things you bought in the sales...good for you! Joan
Oooh, what pretty things you bought. Those flowered brushes are so charming. Love the tulips, too.
You know I have done things like this too - glad you are back on line!
I didn't forget this week. But I see you don't have this week posted yet.
I will check back later. Oh my I still enjoyed seeing those yellow flowers again!
I hope you are having a great week!
Well, I am glad we can comment again or your lovely post and beautiful pics.
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