Lately I seem to have spent all my time in the company of the washing machine, the clothes line and the iron!
That is company I could do without.
But now we are into another week
and here are a few things I am looking forward to -
* The weather is to get warmer here,
well let's be honest it can't get any colder!
* I have decided to try and lose a few pounds,
well with the nice weather arriving
I want to be able to go wear my summer clothes
and not have to buy a new wardrobe in a larger size.
and not have to buy a new wardrobe in a larger size.
So I need to eat less of these

so hopefully next week I will have a smile on my face when I stand on the
* first born son will finish his final exams
I can reclaim the dining room where he studies
and he will return to the good humoured happy guy
that we all know and love!
I can reclaim the dining room where he studies
and he will return to the good humoured happy guy
that we all know and love!
* getting my hair done on Wednesday,
my goodness those greys are appearing overnight
and finally on Friday evening after work,
* I can kick off my shoes and spend a quiet night with husband,
a nice home cooked meal,
a glass of red for me and a Guinness for him
Good Morning Fiona! Looking forward to some sun...sick of drying the washing indoors!It will be easier not to eat the cakes if the weather is warmer too!! I need to do a bit of gardening as I have neglected it a bit. Enjoy your week:)
~Anne xx
This was such a fun post. Good Morning to you, Fiona! I hope your week goes smoothly and quickly! Enjoy the warmer weather.
Hi Fiona, I noticed so many similarities to my week and yours. Today is our Emma's last higher exam and she will be finished with school. That's all of my girls left school now eeek. Where did those years go??? So I will gain a dining room table again.
I did a huge pile of ironing last night - that's my LEAST favourite job.
I am also trying to lose some weight - into my 2nd week now and going ok, fingers crossed :))
And best of all our weather is improving and you are right it is about time!!!
Hope you have a great week ahead.
A promising week ahead of you! It will be over all too quick! Keep my fingers crossed for all your projects! Christa
I will be busy cleaning flower beds and planting more in my new cutting garden. We are looking orward to graduation ceremonies for two of the grandchildren . . . a holiday weekend, visit to the cemetary and that is about it. I am going o try your WW tea bread . . .wish me some Irish luck . . .
Dearest Fiona,
As I wasn't able to blessed one, I wonder what kind of feeling it would be for your children to grow. On one hand, it must be wonderful thing besides knowing how much the time has passed.
Oh, my gray hair grows so fast now as well and wish to go to the beauty parlor as well♪
Good luck for you and Ellie☆☆☆
Love you always, xoxo Miyako*
i like your view of the upcoming week. :)
What a lovely post! I know what you mean about 'reclaiming' your dining room table - my kids always take over the entire house, but I try to be happy about it. Getting your hair done? Always my favorite thing of the month!
The weekend did go so fast! but the weeks go fast too and I love how those weekends just keep coming around! I love bliss. Lovely post!
Sounds like you have a great week ahead of you.
Yes, it is lovely when the weather gets warmer isn't it?!
It's been so cold lately, but today it was really nice.
Enjoy your evening!
I hear you on the grey, girlfiend. WHen does it stop??? Every time I flip my hair and comb it the other way there's three more. EVERY TIME. I need a vacay...
I have a whole lot of house cleaning to do this week. Not looking forward to it. But I am looking forward to when it's all clean and my company comes this weekend.
I love this Fiona! You remind me I need an apt. to address my pesky grays!
YES to the Friday night drink in the company of my best friend!
Hope the week is AMAZING!
The weeks go by so quickly - I'm sure time passes quicker as I get older. The sun has arrived here and everything looks so much brighter:-)
Hi there,
I just found your great blog and I am following it now. I am looking forward to your next postings. Have a great weekend ahead!
Hi Fiona, thanks for visiting my place, now I can come and say hello to you too! I just popped in to look at the WW "Tea Brack" and that sounds like a very good idea indeed. Thank you for sharing! I love the daisies in your header turning their little faces to drink up the rays of the sun!
I'm glad you stopped by my blog and left a comment, so I could find my way here. Looks lovely, I will have a good read when I have more time (it's 6:30 a.m. and I'm off to work now...) Have a wonderful day, let's hope it will be a warm and sunny one!
Sounds like you have a wonderful week planned. ENJOY each and every moment of it. thank you for the prayers for my daughter. On top of her situation, I threw my back out on Saturday, so I could hardly walk. I've had a 101 to 102 fever since Sunday night.Sniffles, aching head to toe, sore throat. It's down to 99.9 today. So my wish this week is to get better. Take care.
Good luck with the slimming, someone just said :diet is die with a T, it is a never ending story. I do know. LOL. I lost pounds, gained them again, lost them again and I want some more off. I alreay do have all my clothes in a larger size, well not all really as the slimmer ones are waiting for those extra pounds to go LOL
Have a nice week, the weather here will be nicer than what we had lately.Hope over there too.
I am trying to lose a few inches too. So that means lots of chicken and vegetables, and none of the lovely tea treats in the picture. :-(
I'm so glad it's Wednesday!! Only two more days before the weekend!
oh yes, I too have been looking at the scale and thinking maybe too many scones? My tea times need a little more tea and a lot less sweets...
Have a lovely day!
oh yes, I too have been looking at the scale and thinking maybe too many scones? My tea times need a little more tea and a lot less sweets...
Have a lovely day!
Sounds like a lovely week and weekend planned! Lots of lovely little moments...that's the best thing to look forward to!
Have a happy week.
Helen x
That tea brack looks preety darn good for being a diet snack! Richard
Weekend jednak jest najprzyjemniejszy :-). Powodzenia w wyszczupleniu siebie. Pozdrawiam.
However, it is most pleasant weekend :-). Good luck in loosing weight. Yours.
I am also watching what I eat - after 3 and a half weeks I can tell I've lost some (I don't weigh myself, but you can tell).
However much laundry you've been doing, Fiona, you're very good at making neat piles! ;)
too true...those weekends are NEVER long enough! And here we are -- at another one! Enjoy!
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