I'm tired and it's all due to sleeping with Mr. Raindrops
He's driving me crazy
Weather wise it's been a bit of a disaster here,
rain, gales and a lack of sunlight
I managed a couple of walks in between the showers
and it was lovely coming back, having cups of tea, and enjoying HOME

He is a snorer,
a bad snorer
this week he has a cold which makes him even worse
this week he has a cold which makes him even worse
He's driving me crazy
I have tried everything
the snoring continues...
I bought earplugs this week
but I'm afraid that if I wear them
I won't hear the alarm clock in the mornings...
People must think we have a fabulous time in our bedroom
the walls shake
the lights flicker
the windows tremble
the windows tremble
the floor moves
but the truth is
but the truth is
Fiona is awake and exhausted
he sleeps like a baby....
he sleeps like a baby....
rain, gales and a lack of sunlight
I managed a couple of walks in between the showers
and it was lovely coming back, having cups of tea, and enjoying HOME

Linking to Mary at Little Red House
and after all my worrying it looks fine
my daughter even borrowed it the other evening as she was cold
so it can't be too awful!
I am embarrassed to tell you this
so it can't be too awful!
I am embarrassed to tell you this
I am so bad at knitting that
I had to google how to change the yarn when the ball ran out..
oh dizzy ditzy dopey me...
anyway it's done and I enjoyed doing it
and might even do some more!
and might even do some more!
I still have one hydrangea plant in the back garden
I brought some into the kitchen to dry
and they are looking pretty nestled beside my onion jar.
My Nana bought me the jar years ago
it was the last present she ever bought me as a couple of weeks later she died
so even though it is cracked and chipped. old and worn (a bit like myself)
I treasure it.
My Nana bought me the jar years ago
it was the last present she ever bought me as a couple of weeks later she died
so even though it is cracked and chipped. old and worn (a bit like myself)
I treasure it.
the roses are almost gone but I do have one or two around and about...
Well as the weather is wet and miserable even the poor horses are wearing extra layers!
I spotted this handsome fellow in the back field all tucked up for the day ahead!
On the bookshelf...
while it is horrible outside I am staying warm, snuggling up and reading
In pre-war Prague, the dreams of two young lovers are shattered when they are separated by the Nazi invasion. Then, decades later, thousands of miles away in New York, there's an inescapable glance of recognition between two strangers. Providence is giving Lenka and Josef one more chance. From the glamorous ease of life in Prague before the Occupation, to the horrors of Nazi Europe
Two lovely blogging friends,
Bonnie from Living Life and Lynne from Irish Garden House recommended this book recently
Both Bonnie and Lynne have great blogs
and are definitely worth a visit
thanks for the recommendation Bonnie & Lynne,
it really is a good read...
Going to put the names in a hat and get Teenager Raindrops to pick a winner
Thanks for all the entries.
I will announce the winner on Sunday
and post the prize early next week.
Well it's Friday and so it's Green Day
Well it's Friday and so it's Green Day
The usual rules apply...
Thank you to all who participate I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do
Raindrops and Daisies
Post your "Green" photos here and visit others from around the world.
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What a lovely post. I wish I had kept knitting-I'm clueless now. You did a beautiful job on the shawl. I love the ombre colors of blue.
Your knitting looks terrific.
Have you tried putting a pillow over hubbies face so he turns in the opposite direction? I also play soft meditation music every night, all night, to drown out the noise. It works wonders.
Such a sweet post "Miss Daisy Raindrop" . . . Thank you for mentioning me, happy you are enjoying the book.
Sorry for the snoring wakefulness . . .it is dreadful isn't it!
Love the shawl, your knitting is perfect.
I liked the onion jar gift from your Nana . . .
Happy day . . . I hope you get a nap or two . . .
Love, Lynne
You are a sweet heart.
Oh I know snoring too, my husband has those times but I go sleep on the couch when it gets too bad. I love the shawl, love the color.
Have a nice weekend
Good morning Fiona! What a lovely shawl; the colour is perfect.
Snoring; it's awful, I poke 3M until he turns over. It helps a little and then I fall asleep and he turns over and starts it all over again!
Btw, I posted the recipe for turtle cheesecake. =D
Oh snoring is so bad, the earplugs might help you some though. Now that shawl looks lovely, nice blue colour. Have a lovely Friday!
When my husband snores I solve the problem easily : I go downstairs and sleep on the sofa in my studio!!!
your knitted poncho is really nice!!! So go on with knitting and start to crochet, too!!! ;oD
love even your stroll pics!!!
xxx Ale
Your knitting project looks great and I will chech the book, sounds intriguing! Happy Friday my dear!
Hello Fiona, I am currently reading a book for review called "knitting know-how", and when I have finished it and written my review I shall be offering it in a give-away, be sure to keep an eye on my blog for a chance to win it.
Fiona, sei bem o que é dormir com um roncador. Lidas fotos mostraste e gostei do xale, parece que tua filha também,rs...
beijos,tudo de bom,chica
Olá, Fiona, no meu caso, quem ronca sou eu e meu marido era quem sofria. O xale ficou lindo bem como as recordações e as imagens das plantas mostrando o outono. tenha um fim de semana lindo! Grande abraço! É um grande prazer participara do Green Day
My father is the same. You should move to another room! I´m also letting hydrangea dry, they look lovely in jugs in winter. You should come to Austria, we have sun every day and up to 14 degrees but very chilly nights -4 degrees! Take care sweet Fiona!
My husband is also a snorer and I do not think people realise how disturbed my sleep is. I think it is the change in temperature but his snoring so badly recently. I am often awake for hours so you have my sympathy.
I love the shawl it is a lovely colour.
Have a lovely weekend.
lovely photos Fiona.
poor little onion pot from Nana.. he is crying!):
your shawl came out super.
When your hubby starts to snore..push him onto his side. It sometimes works!
Olá, Fiona,
sei como é ouvir alguém ressonar sem conseguirmos dormir, felizmente o meu marido só o faz se beber demais e não tem bebido muito nos últimos anos...
O xaile da sua filha ficou ótimo, quando vi a foto parecia que estava a ver a minha sobrinha Carolina, elas têm a mesma silhueta, tom de pele e tipo de cabelo.
A jarra cebola é linda, recordação e saudades que permanecem.
Os cavalos, coitados, bem precisam de agasalho com o frio que têm feito; também por cá apetece estar em casa à lareira, a ler revistas e beber café...
Tenha uma boa sexta-feira, beijinhos
Olá Fiona, em primeiro lugar quero dizer-lhe que estou solidária com você. O meu marido também ressona e tem noites que também durmo nal. Dê um leve toque para ele virar de lado e vai ver que resulta. Sobre as suas Hortênsias são lindas e assim como o arranjo floral no pote que sua mana lhe ofereceu. Uma recordação linda. Todas as outras fotos são encantadoras assim como o cavalo com um lindo "casaco" rsrs.! Beijinhos e força para prosseguir e o seu tricot também há-de resultar. Ah, esse livro deve ser lindo. Abraços e bom fim-de-semana. Ailime
Fiona, I have the same problem here with my hubby the snorer. Now, he will still up late watching the TV so I can fall asleep first. Your daughter looks cute in the shawl, very nice. I wish I learned how to knit. Your hydrangeas still look pretty. Love the pretty horse. Lovely photos, wishing you a happy weekend!
Dear Fiona
What beautiful photos. You have my sympathy with the snoring - my husband is the same but we found out that part of his problem is that he has sleep apnoea, which is where breathing stops. He now has an air pump which keeps him breathing, although with the mask on, he now sounds like Darth Vadar (but at least when he's wearing it, he doesn't snore!)
My hydrangeas are all like the second photo, but they are still beautiful in their own way.
Best wishes
Good Morning Fiona, Oh you poor thing, I know what it is like to be awake at 3am with a snoring husband....it drives me crazy aswell. The snorer sleeps well, but we don't. A friend told me about strips which can be placed over the bridge of the nose, this is supposed to help, so first I have to buy them and second I have to persuade George to wear them!
I loved your collage of pictures, the lanterns looked so pretty in the night light.
I understand how you feel about your onion jar, as your Nana is always with you when you look at the jar.
....look at you, you finished your wrap, and it looks fabulous. It seems to have trebled in size now that your daughter is wearing it. Don't you feel peased with yourself!
I shall look up the book you recommended, it is always nice to have a good read.
Oh yes, I added my soup....it does have green in it...spinach! Hope people can see it, I think I just crept under the radar! Have a lovely "dry" weekend. Best Wishes Daphne
Jak mój mąż za głośno chrapie, to idę spać do innego pokoju. Ślicznie wygląda szal na ramionach córki. Pozdrawiam.
As my husband snores too loud, then I go to sleep in another room. Looks pretty scarf on the shoulders of his daughter. Yours.
Another wonderful post today !! But if Mr.H is a snorer ,you must wear earplugs ... I wear all my years
(32 !) near my H. !!Your knitting is very nice ! Your photos are amazing !
Have a nice week !
Your shawl turned out lovely Fiona, good work. Are you going to start another project? Too bad about the weather, but you have been keeping busy with all sorts of things. Have a great day ... and for a good nights sleep, go to another bed!
Lovely post Fiona, I have a snorer too and too wee ones so I know how you feel with lack of sleep :) loving your hydrangeas, such a vintage looking bloom. The book you're reading looks right up my street, I LoVe to read! I've just started The Light Behind The Window. Well done on your knitting too, it looks gorgeous!
Victoria xx
Lovely post Fiona!I enjoyed reading it!Your pictures are fantastic!!Love the shawl!!
Wishing you a lovely weekend!My love to Ireland!!
Hi, Just stumbled upon your blog :) Your knitting looks lovely, I knit but never quite finish my projects so I have cupboards full of half-knitted clothes etc. I envy your stick-at-it-ability!
I know the saying is "slept like a baby" but I think it should be "slept like a husband"... my other half sleeps (and snores) through everything, baby screaming, fire alarms, the lot. I don't know how he does it. Maybe the snoring drowns every other noise out for him? I ended up using ear plugs and investing in one of those alarm clocks that imitates the sunlight.
H xxxx
The poncho is beautiful--a lovely shade of blue and it looks both stylish and cozy. Sorry your weather's been so dreary, but my that's a handsome horse. Hope you get some sleep this weekend.
congrats on the knitting project! perhaps as your hubby snores, you should sit up and knit. :)
Oi, Fiona. Puxa, quantos assuntos interessantes! Adorei o poema! Acho que sua manta de tricô ficou muito bonita e bem feita. Lindas as imagens das hortências e das rosas. O cavalo com cobertura extra também está um charme! Um abraço, feliz Green Day!
I love the horse in his winter/raincoat. How nice to still enjoy your hydrangeas and your blue shawl looks great now that it's finished.
What a nice souvenir to have in the form of your onion jar from your Nana.
I've heard that sewing ping-pong balls on the back of the snorer's pyjamas helps! He will love that! LOL!
Fiona. You did a fabulous job with the shawl. Looks great and if daughter wears it...that certainly says something.
Sorry about the snorer. it's awful. Luckily when I take my hearing aids out for the night, it's peaceful! Otherwise, it might be separate rooms.
These are happy photos to start the weekend too, Fiona!
Your scarf is a lovely one, in a great color!!
Happy weekend x
Hi there Fiona. Gosh,your knitting turned out SO well! It looks great on your daughter. Weather pretty rough and dismal here as well, and the forecast for the weekend is for more gales and torrential rains. Hey ho! I can't wait to put the Christmas decorations up, to brighten our dark days! When they snore, it's horrendous, isn't it?! :)
conheço bem como é dormir com um roncador.Experimente protetores de ouvido para natação.
Apesar do frio chegando, algumas valentes plantas resistem belamente.
Muito chic o xale azul.Gostei!
Obrigada por realizar o Green Day, tem sido uma interação maravilhosa.
Bjos e bom fim de semana.
Here I am my dear Fiona,
such a cute post today..thought we have the same problem.My husband too.
after along time couldn't sleep then since the second pregnancy I bought ear plugs..then I MUST SLEEP, otherwise during the day loosing the control of myself ha;).
we exhange the duty..if any alarm clock, baby crying in the night, he woke up first to wake me up. Finally now I sleep with 'serenita' ;)
wow... you are a crafter!!! very very very amazing your knitting you've done well. I'm proud of you.
oh cute fellow indeed, I'm fallin love always with a horse, but never have them ;)
still strong your hidrangea..more vintage look.
have a great weekend Darl,
lots of hug
I like you photos. Great work.
Oh my ! what a story!!!
Love to win the giveaway!
The shawl turned out so cute and look beautiful on your daughter.
You are so funny describing your husbands snoring. The only person to wait me up with their snoring is me. :0)
Hi, Fiona
Your shawl looks incredible and you certainly seemed to finish it in no time at all. I look forward to seeing future projects from you. How's that for peer pressure!
I chuckled over the snoring story; it may not be quite so funny at your end. As for reading, I'm enjoying your recommendation of "The Island". Thanks!
Bye for now,
You're doing a great job knitting! My brother-n-law had an operation to stop his snoring. I really feel for you. The horse looks warm and pretty! Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Sorry for the snoring Mr Raindrops.
Have you tried drinking tea before go to bed?
The hindrangeas, roses and horses are so beautiful.
Have a wonderful weekend and a good sleep.
Hi Fiona! Hate to hear about your snoring Mister. Mine does that too sometimes! Now that shawl is so beautiful - what a great job you did.
Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Sheila ;)
I loved your post!!
Great pictures, lovely knitting...interesting book..and many more..
Have a great weekend!!
Hi Fiona! Your shawl turned out great....I used to knit but have no patience for it now. Have a lovely weekend:)
~Anne xx
Hi Fiona,
Question & Answer Award game on if you care to join.
Great post, as usual.
So nice to read about and see your activities and lovely surroundings.
Your flower photos are beautiful and lovely pic of your scarf/shawl on your daughter. Well done!
Sorry about the snoring problem. There is a machine (for him to use)that might help. I'll see if I can find info.
Happy days to you and yours Fiona.
Hi again,
This is the
address of snoring help http://www.sleepproaustralia.com/cpap-to-stop-snoring/
Not everyone's cup of tea.
Your husband will hate me!
Great post ~ that shawl is magnificent ~ I almost tempted to knit again ~ too busy right now ~ but great therapy ~ thanks for coming by ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^
I sympathize with the snoring. Have had the same problem. I finally just started praying for how thankful he was there snoring and I wasn't a widow and lonely and truth is now it is comforting and doesn't bother me. As men age they really all do it and can't help it.
I am impressed with your knitting. Very pretty.
Fiona, I am have just returned home from a visit with my daughter. Thank you so much for mentioning Living Life. And, I am so pleased you are enjoying the book.
Yes , I am afraid I understand the snoring dilemma. I have earplugs work beautifully. I hope you are getting some rest. Bonnie
Hello Fiona!
Love your pictures. Maybe you're underestimating your knitting skills? This shawl looks great and I love the brooch, too!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Olá, amiga!
É muito agradável ler o seu post.
Quanto ao ronco, já esperimentou uma consulta médica, existe especialistas do sono que podem amenizar o problema.
Boa semana!
Beijinhos do Brasil
✿ °•.¸♡¸.•°✿
That knitting project certainly worked out superbly....I love it, great job! I do sympathies with you on the snoring....would drive me crazy
You are SO funny mrs…though I know it's not funny having a snorer beside you in bed. My mother in law says you sew marbles into the back of their PJ's and that stops them rolling onto their back? Luckily I've not had to try that as my sewing is awful! Have a great week, Avril x
Hello Fiona!
poor you
still I am glad you see the whole thing with a sence of humor ;)
Lots of good things in your post otherwise. Nature still alive there, and I love the horses! It seems to me like you are a good knitter actually and ....
I must have somehow missed your giveaway :(
It's always cosy to pass by your place anyway
lots of love!
What a full and interesting post. Sorry about the snoring - it is really annoying when you can't sleep and all you can hear is snoring isn't it?
I thought you said you couldn't knit - that scarf look wonderful. You did a great job.
Hope your hubby's cold gets better and you get a good night sleep soon :)
Oh, I think your knitting is terrific, Fiona. Love the way it turned out, and you are at the very least trying. I won't dare. My mom is so good at it that I just go to her. ;) Which reminds me, I haven't asked her for something in a LONG time. ;)
Sorry I haven't stopped by as frequently lately, but with all the Thanksgiving prep I seem to be running behind on my visits.
Everything looks as gorgeous as usual here. Thanks for sharing.
Have a beautiful week, my friend.
Fiona! thankyou! I am not a very good follower, if I don't come to your blog hop, huh? I have been making my post on Friday more of a collection of Google images lately, so I fear it isn't my original stuff. I'll improve and return. Thanks for your comments on my site. Thanksgiving was nice and restful. I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner.
Lovely post. Your knitting makes me wish I had made some baby clothes for the (still awaited) latest grandchild.
It's very soggy here, too, but we still have antirrhinums and a few pinks and roses in the garden and even some nasturtiums.
1. I have used earplugs for years and never missed an alarm. The soft foamy kind will soften the racket but not create a total noise block.
2. I too ama remedial knitter, but your work is so lovely!
3. The teacups are perfect used as you did. Wonderful!
Poor Mr Raindrops - and poor you. But your story about the snoring did make me laugh!
I can relate! My hunny snores like a motorboat! If he falls asleep before I do, then I'm done for the rest of the night.
Your knitting turned out beautiful!
Poor you listening to the snoring... you must learn to do it yourself - that way you'll cancel each other out lol!
Love your knitted shawl, and if it's being borrowed already well, that says it all.
Lovely photos and a beaut post :D)
Fiona, don't denigrate your work - the shawl looks beautiful, and YOU MADE IT!
Hi Fiona !
I love the mosaic you created, it's so beautiful !
I just wanted to say that I had the same problem with my husband, he was snoring like crazy ! I was thinking of having seperated bedrooms because I couldn't sleep anymore. But we found this on the net: Snoremender. And a miracle happened, he stopped snoring, completely ! Go to this website ( it's the Canadian website for buying the product, I couldn't find a UK site) http://www.snoremenders.ca/. I assure you, this product really really works. You can also watch this video on YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuwIPzEpf8s
The product lasts for about a year, a year and a half, then you have to purchase a new one, due to wear, if the snoring comes back. I really hope it works for you ! Happy Sunday !
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