If you go down to the woods today be sure of a big surprise...
come on now and don't be shy...
that's better,
now we can see lovely you!
I have a very short post for you today and the reason for this is because the letters on the left of my keyboard have died
so when I type "are trees green"
it comes out as "a tres grn"
you would honestly think I had 6 glasses of vino in me when posting
so a bit of a nuisance
so please excuse my lack of commenting and posting this week
fingers crossed I will get it sorted soon.
Anyway I hope that you are all well and staying warm and dry.
The weather here has been very cold and frosty
with horrible icy roads in the mornings
I am like Miss Daisy driving to work
I trudge along really really slowly
as I am so scared of skiding
(yesterday a tractor overtook me)!!
I have the results of the giveaway for the Christmas ornament
1st prize
Karen from My Little Home and Garden
2nd prize
Victoria from Tangled Sweetpea
If you email me your details ladies I will post as soon as possible.
Thanks to all who participated
well done to the winners and commiserations to the people who weren't picked out
but there will be another giveaway after Christmas so maybe next time!
After all your lovely compliments on my shawl/ I bought some wool and have started again
I really enjoyed the last one and when it finished my fingers were itching to give it another go
so hopefully this new knit will turn out ok...
These are the questions she asked...
Who is a style icon for you?
This is a really difficult question to answer as there are so many stylish women
women who dress really well and have oodles of style and panache
I tend to dress in what suits me, trends that flatter my shape, colours I like
and I think that I have a fair idea of what works.and what doesn't
afterall I have years of experience!!!!
Can I name my style icon - No
What is your favourite cookbook?
I have shelves and shelves of cookbooks
I very rarely use them but they do look pretty in the kitchen.
any cookbook by Rachel Allen would be a favourite of mine
her recipes are simple, easy to follow and delicious
so always a winner!
What is the best book you read this year?
I think the best book I read this year was "The Island" by Victoria Hislop
I really enjoyed it.
I'm reading "The Lost Wife" at the moment and that is a pretty good read too!
What one cosmetic can you not leave home without putting on?
Only one!!!!!
I never leave the house without makeup, never ever, ever!
I would scare away small children, old people, young people, animals ....
But I suppose if I had to chose one I would pick lipstick
as I would feel naked without it!
What is your favourite moisturiser?
Every day - Liz Earle
Pay day - Clarins
Some day - Creme de la Mer
Thanks Jennifer for thinking of me.
I am not going to tag anyone today
but if you would like to take part it would be lovely to read your answers.
Well it's Friday and so it's Green Day
The usual rules apply...
Thank you to all who participate I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do
Raindrops and Daisies
Post your "green" photos here and enjoy looking at others from around the world.
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(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Que foto espetacular! Ainda bem que ele não é tímido e resolveu sair de trás das árvores. Risos. Lindo demais!
Um lindo final de semana! Abraços
Lovely answers you gave, and btw I also use Liz Earle, I discovered the products by chance and I love them! And you are doing the right thing with driving slowly, the weather now is rather dangerous! Happy Friday!
What a gorgeous sculpture! Ooh and I can't believe I won :) so exciting! My email is kidstonstyle@hotmail.co.uk
Victoria xx
What a well composed deer made out of pieces of aged wood. He looks so at home in his green environment!
You do well to drive slowly in dangerous road conditions. The tractor that overtook you has huge tyres with a deep profile, so they are probably not scared of snow - though ice is another story!
Have a great weekend and hopefully your keyboard problem will soon be solved!
I'm having a giveaway on my blog, which is drawn tomorrow, its a knitting book, please find the post and leave a comment for a chance to win. Joy xx
A masterpiece made out of thrift wood. Your text is so humorous - you definitely have a talent to make me smile. I hope not too icy today. Here it is snowing and as I can do everything on foot - really lovely and so very Christmassy. Have a good "Green Day". Christa
Adorei ver as esculturas no verde.LINDAS! Ótima semana pra ti,Fiona!
Olá Fiona lindo esse veado aí no bosque! Desejo que rapidamente ultrapasse esse problema do teclado. Fico sempre zangada quando alguma coisa se avaria rsrsrs.
Continua de um bom-fim-de-semana. Abraços. Ailime
Bom dia verde, Fiona! Linda, uma graça essa escultura de veadinho nesse parque! Isso é muito bom! Que seu problema se resolva rápido! Grande abraço!
Dear Fiona
I think that stag sculpture is absolutely beautiful. Definitely on the wish list for when I win the lottery (!) Congratulations to the giveaway winners.
Have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes
Fiona that deer is amazing. What park is it in ? Have a lovely weekend
Gratuluję zwycięzcom miłej zabawy u Ciebie. Mam nadzieję, że szybko będziesz miała nową klawiaturę, aby się tak nie męczyć z pisaniem. Pozdrawiam.
I congratulate the winners have fun with you. I hope that you will soon have a new keyboard, so not to bother with writing. Yours.
Fiona, sorry you are having problems with blogger? I love the cute deer, neat lawn ornament. I am the same driving on icy roads scare me, especially when you have idiots driving around you. Congrats to all your giveaway winners. Wishing you a safe and happy weekend.
That is a very cool deer. I love statues made from organic matter. Rachel Allen is awesome! It was fun to read more about you...btw, I never leave the house w/o makeup either :)
Good Morning Fiona, I love the stag made of wood, it reminds me of the mechanical horse from "War Horse". I've woken this morning and we are the same, very icy roads and pavements. I walked to the shops on Saturday and I was slipping and sliding....not very nice. Talking of Driving Miss Daisy, what a wonderful film that is. Like you, Clarins is my absolute favourite, when I can buy it. I have heard of Liz Earle products, but have never used them. I remember you mentioned to me that you were buying a Rachel Allen book, so I watched her cookery programme and I really enjoyed it....loved her huge kitchen! Congratulations to the winners, Karen will be over the moon. Have a lovely weekend. Best Wishes Daphne
Belo dia Fiona!
que lindo, adorei.
I'm so thrilled to have won the beautiful silver tree ornament and have sent an email with a more proper "thank you" and my address. I trust it found its way to you.
Perhaps I should borrow your idea and have a giveaway at 250 followers; getting there may take awhile!
As for your post, I think the stag sculpture you've shown is incredible and am so pleased you're sticking with the knitting.
Again, many thanks for your generosity.
Fiona . . .
Sculpture is gorgeous and especially against the green . . .
Continue your Miss Daisy driving . . . about all we can do with the icy roads. The "not fun" part of winter. I crawled to an appointment early Wednesday morning . . . gave me some empathy for those, like you, who meet that challenge daily.
I liked your answers . . . especially the first, "no."
Love, Lynne
Olá, Fiona! Eu fico muito irritada quando estou com um teclado defeituoso, os dedos não conseguem compreender, hahaha. Adorei o cerco em madeira! E estou ansiosa para ver nua nova peça em tricô! Um abraço, linda semana!
Nem sempre eu posso postar aqui.
Hoje sim.
Fiz um blog novo, so para participar do Green Day.
Eu não posso tomar vinho como você. três goles são suficientes para subir a cabeça.
Tenha um otimo fim de semana
Zizi .
That is pain about your keyboard, you will have to purchase at the weekend.
love the answers, its good fun!
Raindeer is gab
love that sculpture! beautiful!
be safe on those roads, ms. daisy!
Hi Fiona, I love that deer! It looks like something you would see at the Minnesota Arboretum.
I'm happy to see Karen, from My Little Home and Garden won your giveaway. She is a dear friend.
Have a great weekend.
Hallo Fiona!
Lovely post!
I enjoyed reading it!!
Gongrats to the winners and specialy to dear Karen!!
Have a lovely weekend!
What a great sculpture that is and very unusual!!
This is a great post and I loved your answers. I have also just finished reading 'The Island' and I really enjoyed it too. Have you read her other book it really good too!
Congratulations to the two lucky winners.
If it is as cold where you are as it is here - keep warm.
Have a lovely weekend.
Hi Fiona! Hope this weather dosen't get any worse... hate the icy roads too! Have a lovely weekend:)
~Anne xx
Love the images...and how you started with the Teddy Bears' Picnic song...brought me some lovely memories! Hope you get a new keyboard...and if not, you'll be drinking those 6 glasses of vino in frustration!! Have a great weekend!
Keep safe on those icy roads! Hope that you show us your knitting work some time. I have already 2 projects finished for Xmas, and 2 more to go! These deer look so natural:) Have a wonderful weekend!
That sculpture is beautiful. Congratulations to the winners of your give away. Have a nice weekend Fiona.
Que lindo esse veado, no meio das árvores!
Eu também ficaria triste se acontecesse algo assim ao meu computador.
Eu espero que tu nos mostres o xaile novo, quando estiver feito.
Parabéns às pessoas premiadas no sorteio de Natal.
Beijo e bom fim de semana
Driving in any kind of weather besides sunshine gives me a scare. Enjoyed your story of the tractor passing you up. I'm not green today but I'm dressing in red for Santa.
I love the stag. What a great thing to have in one's garden!
I didn't link up Fiona.. will do it now and again..
I like my own fashions..always have. If i like it , I wear it.
Great you are knitting another wrap.. it really was great.
wishing you a happy sat 1st decembeer.
take care on those icy roads.
val x
Good day Fiona.
I really really enjoyed your post as always. You always make me smiling with your sense of humor, maybe you could imagine my face while reading it;).
very cute wood stag.
I understand you when the keyboards go on strike, happen right now to my lap.
arch ..i need to queue for my husband PC ha;).
Congratulation to to the winner of your give away, for sure they will happy for your silver ornaments.
great answer you have given. fashion is when we are comfortable with our self right?
Auuu yess!!!!! Fiona's craft on action..yeah..I like your craft spirit dear.Hardly waiting for your next knitting result.
keep your miss daisy driving... I am deadly scare when driving on heavy snow and icy road.
keep warm my dear fiend
take a good care
big hugs
That is an amazing deer statue.
Hope you get the keyboard sorted out soon.
Enjoy the weekend.
Thanks for your comment, Fiona! Yes cold, cold, cold but nice, nice, nice! Hope you are enjoying this day too! xxxx Christa
What an interesting sculpture. Take Care on those icy roads my friend.
Dear Fiona..
What a beautiful photo of the sculpture!
Congratulations for your award..I liked your answers!!
I hope I will post tomorrow my green day..
Have a nice week!
Hello Fiona. What a lovely post. I hope you get your key board problem solved soon. Thank you for your comments on my blog. It always makes me happy to see you there.
Hello dear Fiona!
I am sorry to hear is freezing there but if it makes you feel any better we are having -17 C at the moment : D
is not as bad as it sounds as long as it's not windy...
Lovely answers to your award,
and I love the wooden deer
Enjoy a cosy Tuesday evening : )
Really cool deer! Hope all is going well. :)
I've been running behind, again! Be safe!
That woodland deer is wonderful! Someone is very clever!
Congratulations to the winners!
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