Friday 15 March 2013

Upside down

Upside out
inside out
topsy turvy

that's my house since we had our chimney fire.

We will be spending this weekend  not celebrating St. Patrick's Day
packing all our bits and bobs into boxes
as the builders arrive here Tuesday morning to replace our chimneys.

I am sorry for the short post this week but honestly I haven't a minute
and am constantly chasing my tail.
I will be around to visit you all but it may take me a couple of days
so please bear with me...

Smile Makers.....
Mother's Day - hope you all had a great one.

There were flowers and other lovely things here

Not much walking this week
(actually I lie) 
no walking
planning to rectify that on Saturday
as I need to clear this old head
 and so a trek up the mountains is planned...

Let's talk birthdays 
BIG Birthdays
you know those awful ones with a large 0 at the end....
I have one of those birthdays
 this day 4 weeks.......
dread it,
 don't want it to happen, 
want to sleep until it's over
shudder, shudder, shudder....
if I close my eyes will it go away?
Why can't I stay 49
49 sounds 20 years younger than 50...

 So how do you feel about BIG 0 Birthdays
do you mind going into the next decade?

Well anyway enough of my old lady ramblings and just time to say...

{Green Day 36}
Raindrops and Daisies

The object of the link up
is to post a photograph of something green.
The photos can be of anything you like
once they have a green theme,
green fields, pretty green things, green clothes,
green leaves, green foods,
anything at all that takes your fancy!

I hope that you will join in the fun.
Now here comes the boring bit - a few rules

1.   Please do not post anything that may be deemed offensive to others.
2.   Only post material that belongs to you.
3.   When posting your photographs please link back to Raindrops and Daisies
4.   Link directly to your Green Day post and not to the url of your blog
5.   Try and visit some of the other participants and leave a comment


joy said...

Oh, Fiona, so sorry to hear about your fire, hope the building work goes well and you are soon back to normal.
I'm approaching 65, but the numbers dont mean anything to me, I'm just as old as I feel, and thats about half my age in years!
Love Joy x x

homemade@myplace said...

Dear Fiona, don't be scared by the "big" number!!!
I'm sure you are much more younger than that!!! ;oD
xxxx Ale

Memaria said...

Dear Fiona..your flowers are so pretty!!
The "big" number is just a number!!
Have a great weekend and happy St. Patrick's day!

Sandra said...

Gorgeous flowers! Good luck with the chimney rebuilding!
Don't worry about the BIG 0 BIRTHDAY!
I have a really big one coming up in May and I'm just off to England to see daffodils in the snow (!) to celebrate my grandson's first 0 to his age and my new 0! Spending the weekend with my grown-up children and my grandson in London!
Getting older just means we're still alive! ;)

E. said...

Enjoy your weekend Fiona! :)

eileeninmd said...

Fiona, lots of things to be happy for this week. Your flowers are beautiful! Sorry about the fire and the construction work though. But, We do have the Happy Saint Patrick's Day and your Birthday. I am past the 50 and up to 56 and it is just a number. I wish you a happy birthday. Have a great weekend and enjoy your walk!

Ellie Foster said...

Dear Fiona
I hope all the building work goes as smoothly as it can. Don't worry about the birthday - Just think of all the amazing stuff you know now that you didn't know when you were younger! Enjoy your weekend.
Best wishes

Ailime said...

OLá Fiona,espero que os trabalhos da reconstrução da sua chaminé fiquem prontoss rapidamente. As suas flores são maravilhosas! Sobre a idade o mais importante é mesmo a idade que temos na mente! Eu pesno ser mais velha, mas tenho dentro de mim um criança:))! Seja feliz e divirta-se. Abraço Ailime

chica said...

Fiona, mudar de década não deve assustar. É experiência de vida,rs...beijos,felicidades! chica

Hazel said...

Oh Fiona your flowers are beautiful! And a 0 birthday is no big deal really, nothing a HUGE trip to CK wouldn't fix ;) Try enjoy your St. Patrick's Day even through the packing! I'm sure there will be a well earned glass (insert something typically Irish you like) waiting for you at the end of the day! Hazel x

Maria Luiza said...

Calma, Fiona, vai ficar tudo bem! Seu post está pequeno, curto, mas está com flores lindas, que alegraram minha alma! Um grande abraço e lindo final de semana! Muita calma!

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

I am a couple years past that number with the zero and I feel better than ever. Use it as a milestone and incentive to do something for yourself :-)
Have a great weekend and happy St. Partick's Day!

Clara said...

So sorry about your fire Fiona. Don't worry about the big0 and have a happy birthday.

Pamela Gordon said...

Oh, you are certainly busy with the renos Fiona. I hope it all goes well. As for big 0's, I've seen 6 of them and at this point in my life I am truly thankful that God has given me all those decades and every new day that comes. Enjoy it, embrace it and be thankful!! I love your new header. It is so pretty. Blessings, Pamela

Giga said...

Czasu się nie cofnie, więc nie martw się "0" na na końcu swoich lat życia. Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin. Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
The time will stop, so do not worry "0" to the end of their years of life. Happy Birthday. Regards warm.

Ellie said...

Hi Fiona, I've finally got a picture with some green in it to link up. I've not that for quite a long time - I'd nearly forgotten how to do it, lol.
I'm sorry about the upheaval in your house. Hopefully it will all be sorted soon and you can enjoy your home again.
Don't worry about hitting 50 I did it a couple of years ago now. It is just a number - I don't really feel any different to when I did at 21 - ok maybe that is a bit of an exageration but you get the idea. Happy Birthday when it comes.
Lovely flowers you got :))

TexWisGirl said...

good luck with all the packing and the reconstruction of your chimneys! i know that must be a mess!

and i'm going to turn 50 this summer, too. we'll be old birds together. :)

Allison said...

What pretty flowers! Yay for spring! And a happy St Patrick's Day to you, my Irish friend!!

Chatty Crone said...

Those flowers are delicious!

I am so sorry about the fire - it is hard to clean up after them


Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Hi Finona, Glad you had a good Mother's Day. The flowers are beautiful.
Don't worry about the 0's. It's just a number and you are only as old as you feel.
I hope they get your chimney fixed soon.

Sherry said...

Sorry that things are still at sixes and sevens since the chimney fire but getting the chimneys repaired is a must...a lot of work in packing things up though.

Glad you had a lovely Mother's Day -- your flowers are beautiful!

And as for those big "0" birthdays...they never worry me much...I'm always glad to see another birthday no matter what the number!!


Jannibele said...

I am so sorry to hear that the chimney fire caused you som much work. Good luck! Hopefully you can sit down and enjoy sometime soon! Beautifull bouqet of flowers. Hope they bring you joy in a busy period.

Barbara F. said...

So sorry to hear about your chimney fire, sending blessings to you and your family. And, don't let those zero's bother you at all! You are as young as you feel! Still plenty of good living left!! Happy Birthday, and enjoy!! My big 5-Oh was 8 1/2 years ago, through myself a big party. ;-) xo

Barbara F. said...

Oops, can't spell or use good grammar today - meant to type "threw"! LOL XO

inge said...

Good luck with the work. Remember it's is only a number it is how you feel inside that matters

oldthings said...

Dear Fiona , I hope that your fire will be ready at next week ! And about your "number " , don't worry , is just a number , I have pssed two years ago and I feel the same !!!
Keep your smile and be happy !

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Fiona, I have been through may 0, they get better :)

Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Sorry about the fire... but your flowers are beautiful.. and the big 5 0 is just a number... age is how you feel.

flowers on my table said...

Hello Fiona, you poor thing. What a palaver with the chimneys, they must have been very badly damaged? Well I hope you manage a little St. Paddy's day tipple. Your mother's day flowers are beautiful. Lots of love, Linda x


Sorry to hear about the fire. Hope the builders get everything back to new. Do not fret the big 50. The best is yet to come.

wendy said...

Gosh, really sorry about your chimney fire. That must have been frightful.
Glad they are able to get in and fix it up.
Well.....50 sounds YOUNG to me about now, as I will be 62 this fall.
I actually was surprised that turning 60 didn't affect me at all ...but was depressed with turning 61. It was like, wowza, I really AM into the 60's.
It is what it is as they say, so just roll with it.

Unknown said...

After 30, which took me a week to get over, my study mates gave me a surprise b'day party for 40 and that made me decide, I'm not getting older, just better:) Now I'm more than 20 years older than that, and when they ask, I let them guess!

Unknown said...

Oops, I forgot, Happy birthday Fiona, age is just a number!

Colour Splash by Cath said...

The photos of your flowers are gorgeous! I hope your building works all go as smoothly as possible x

Suz said...

Have nothing green to share today but I came by to see your beautiful post and your gorgeous photo of flowers did not disappoint.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Glad the chimney fire wasn't worse.

And speaking of 0 birthdays - enjoy every single one that comes along - they add up so fast and sooner than you think you will be talking about the one with a 7 in it - so much sooner than you can believe possible. But think of all the fun you'll have - all the joy you bring to others by having 0 birthdays - all the gifts you can pass out on your 0 birthdays - it is definitely more fun to give than to receive and everyone is surprised when you start handing out gifts at your own party.

Most members of my family passed away at age 52 - they didn't have the years to enjoy their 0 birthdays - I'm ecstatic to be approaching (in three years and 10 days) the 0 birthday with a 7 in it.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Fiona. What beautiful flowers. Such lovely colours. So sorry to hear about your chimney fire - I hope the builders get your house looking lovely again very soon. As long as you and your family are okay. That's the main thing. I actually love the big O birthdays, because they are usually pretty special. Although I'm not looking forward to my next one in April - 66. Eeek! Now that really is tipping over to the next big one, which is definitely NOT so funny!! Big hugs and see you again soon.

DIMI said...

Dear Fiona,very beautiful flowers!I wish you Happy Birthday,and don't worry about the big O!!It's only a number!Have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!!My love to Ireland!

Claudia Moser said...

Happy St Patrick's Day :) happy thoughts

Roselia Bezerra said...

Olá, querida Fiona
O meu dia foi embalado pela rosa linda que encabeça o seu post e vou terminando a tarde por aqui de novo para refrescar a minha mente com posts tão lindos...
Seja feliz e abençoada!!!
Bjs de paz e bem

Vane M. said...

Oi, Fiona! Estou encantada em ver as lindas cores do buquê de rosas, são de encher os olhos! Reformas não são nada agradáveis, espero que reparem em breve sua chaminé. Beijos!

Marie said...

WOW! Your flowers are so pretty!!!

Don't worry about that silly number! Hey, my birthday is April 5. :)

Hope you have a nice weekend. :)

sweetbriardreams said...

I do hope that the works to your chimneys etc will be completed before your big 'O' birthday. I always get scared before an 'O' birthday because I feel I need to grow up a little more and try to show I am wiser (never works though as I still feel 27!). The flowers are wonderful, such beautiful colours, you lucky thing you! Take care. Chel x

Life, Loves and...... said...

Pretty flowwers
Happy Paddy's Day!

Sweet Like Cinnamon said...

What beautiful flowers!

Anne said...

Hi Fiona! Hope you get the house sorted and back to normal:)I will be 49 on April 2 so not far behind you! Have a great Sunday:)
~Anne xx

MadSnapper said...

thank for popping across the ocean to say hello. Happy Saint Patricks day and oh no on the chimney fire. hope all goes well and quickly with the repairs.

Montanagirl said...

Hello there. I found you via Run*a*Round Ranch Report. Love your beautiful flowers! We have no spring in sight yet where I live in NE Montana. Have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day, and I hope you stop by my blog sometime!

erleichda said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, anyway dear Fiona
(hope all well with chimney stuff)

don't worry about the big 0,
is just another number isn't it?

lots of love xoxoxo

Crafty in the Med said...

hello Fiona

So sorry to hear about the fire but glad no one was hurt.

A very Happy St Patrick's Day to you too. Many thanks for visiting my blog and for your cheery reply and yes all those things you mentioned make a perfect day...not really much to ask for :-)

keep well

Amanda :-)

Dawn said...

That's a lot on your plate. Worry about the "0" birthday the least. Age is ONLY a number. I promise!!

Jen said...

So sorry about the fire disrupting your life! Wonderful pictures and I love the montages you have on the side. Someday would like know how to make them! I ignore my birthdays these days. :)

The Flaky Fashionista said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day Fiona. And pah! I wouldn't worry at all about the big five o .. it's only a number so look on it as an opportunity to celebrate ... and think of all the lovely pressies you're bound to receive:)

Sean said...

Oh No! At least the flowers weren't harmed by the fire.

Anonymous said...

Awh, don't dread it, Fiona, we're all getting younger. We appreciate true beauty and slow down long enough to really take in the special things in life. I'm celebrating 50 this year and I am SO looking forward to it. I didn't really like my 40's and I'm hoping 50's will be better.
Happy St. Patrick's Day. Who could help but think of you and your gorgeous greens on this day. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you're all safe in spite of the fire.

Leovi said...

Those roses are gorgeous, perfect for celebrating St. Patrick's Day. Congratulations.

My name is Riet said...

Dear Giona. Happy St. Patrcksday, thans you for your food wishes. Four weeks from today I Will be 75, yes, 75 and I van tell you every year feels the same, LOL.
Sorry for the sometimes funny words but my IPad sometimes is making up its own words, hihi.have a nice week.

My Little Home and Garden said...

Good Luck with the chimneys, Fiona. What a nuisance it must be for you.

As for the Big 5-0, do something fun and enjoy it! I've lived life on the other side of that number and there are years down the road till I hit the next milestone.


By Neymes said...


Marsha Young said...

So sorry to hear about your fire. Wishing you a much better week, and that next year will be a wonderful St. Paddy's day. :)
Hugs to you.

Susan said...

Dear Fiona, how ghastly your chimney business sounds! What a mess - can only imagine how busy you are.
Sending good thoughts that all will be cleared up very soon and with the minimum of nuisance.
As for the Big O confrontation ... never fear, all will be well. A kind of magical thing happens where you become all-knowing, all-wise and all powerful once you hit 50 !!
Well, it sounds good doesn't it and now that I'm way past that young age, I'm pretty sure that's what happened when I turned 50 - lol!
Cheers and big hugs xx :D)

Susan said...

Oh yes, I meant to also say that those flowers are simply superb in their beauty :D) Terrific photos!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Fiona,
Wow, so sorry about your chimney fire!!! It must have been so scary. A bit of relief that not the worse thing, though.  
Well, I will be big 6 and 0 decade in 2 years(^^;) Whew, time flies, haha.
I didn't know your mother's day is different from ours p;) Beautiful pictures of flowers♡♡♡

Thank you very much for the beautiful poem; it really DOES moved my heart, my friend.

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Betty said...

Hope you got everything packed away. I wonder how long it takes to build a chimney.
Beautiful flowers. Such a lovely mixture. Don't worry about your birthday. I've passed the big 70 and it's not really that bad! Just enjoy each day.
Thanks for the St.Patrick's day good wishes.

renae said...

Fiona - hi! How was YOUR St. Patrick's Day? I hope it was grand. Nice to hear from you. These roses are amazingly gorgeous. You are a grand photographer. I have always enjoyed your work. Keep it up! Keep it up! :)

Anonymous said...

Fiona, I just ran into this Ralph Waldo Emerson quote and I couldn't help but share it with you. Made me smile.
"The age of a woman doesn't mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles."

PS-Your flowers look prettier with every visit.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

So sorry about your fire, glad everyone is ok. Happy Birthday in advance- hope its fantastic!!

Julie Hargreaves said...

Your flowes are beautiful

zAzA said...

Thanks for visiting. I would take rain right now. We are expecting 20 cm of snow over the next couple of days (Ottawa, Canada).
It is difficult trying to keep the house clean in the middle of construction.
Have a great week!

EG CameraGirl said...

EW! The chimney fire sounds dreadful! You'll be so happy when all is repaired.

Lynne said...

Dear, dear Fiona . . . So sorry to hear about your chimney fire. First I have heard . . . I have been away and trying now to catch up with you and others. Forgive me . . . if you get a chance, tell me in details . . . I must have missed your post mentioning the fire.
Be safe and well my friend . . .
Love, Lynne

Emilie's daughter said...

Just go for it! Nothing to be scared about! I survived, husband survived and I tell you - it is even getting BETTER if not GREAT! Good luck, Christa

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