lovely golden daffodils
I have a few flowering
but stupid sheep wandering up the road ate them and now
I only have 2 flowers left
I hope those stupid sheep and hope that they have really bad belly ache...
More walking this week
this time we headed for the Slieve Blooms.
We passed this beautiful little cottage on our way
and I just couldn't resist having a look
I didn't think anyone lived there and gawked through the window
but there were signs of life
so if it's your house and I was making a nuisance of myself
sorry sorry!!
We had a great day up the Mountains
this time we headed for the Slieve Blooms.
and I just couldn't resist having a look
I didn't think anyone lived there and gawked through the window
but there were signs of life
so if it's your house and I was making a nuisance of myself
sorry sorry!!

wonderful sunshine and greens
but boy oh boy was I wrecked.
It was a 7km trek and very slippy in places
I fell on my bum more than once
to the delight of the men in my family
who enjoyed a good laugh...
to the delight of the men in my family
who enjoyed a good laugh...
I bought a bunch of peach roses when I did the dreaded grocery shop
but even when they were dying they still looked pretty...
Soon it will be Easter and all the yummy chocolate goodies are appearing in the shops,
I'm trying to be good
so instead of buying delicious chocolate eggs
I bought coloured ones to decorate with
(have no idea what I'm going to do with them)
but sure they look nice and you can't eat them...
Do you remember last Summer when I was telling you
so instead of buying delicious chocolate eggs
I bought coloured ones to decorate with
(have no idea what I'm going to do with them)
but sure they look nice and you can't eat them...
about lovely daughter with a bruised heart.
Well same daughter's heart has obviously healed
as she is out and about with her friends,
wining and dining and living the high life.
She met a local guy who has an identical twin and she seems hAppY....
I met him recently in the village and started chatting to him,
telling him how cold I was, asking after his Mother
and if he enjoyed his Saturday night out,
yabba, yabba, yabba
I thought he was looking at me strangely but he chatted away politely
yes you have guessed it
I was chatting with the twin brother
Oopsie, dosey Me
(I didn't tell Ms. Raindrops as I don't think she would be too impressed!!!!)
I'm sure he thought I was just a simple old wan wanting to chat about nonsense
thank heavens he didn't know who I was...
Lesson to be learnt,
know who you are talking to Fiona
know who you are talking to Fiona
before you open your big mouth....
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend full of sunshine and laughter
and because it's Friday it's
{Green Day 35}
Why not post your photos here?
Thank you to all who participate I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do
Raindrops and Daisies
The object of the link up
is to post a photograph of something green.
Now here comes the boring bit - a few rules
The photos can be of anything you like
once they have a green theme,
green fields, pretty green things, green clothes,
green leaves, green foods,
green leaves, green foods,
anything at all that takes your fancy!
I hope that you will join in the fun.
I hope that you will join in the fun.
1. Please do not post anything that may be deemed offensive to others.
2. Only post material that belongs to you.
3. When posting your photographs please link back to Raindrops and Daisies
4. Link directly to your Green Day post and not to the url of your blog
5. Try and visit some of the other participants and leave a comment
Você é muito engraçada na forma de escrever. Sempre consegue tirar sorrisos de meus lábios.
As fotos são maravilhosas, mas eu me apaixonei por essa casa. Ela não é minha, mas se fosse, você estaria desculpada. Risos
Ela lembra aconchego, e pela forma que está bem cuidada, eu acredito que mora uma família nela.
E, pra completar, você confunde os irmãos. Nesse caso, é melhor não contar pra sua filha. Risos
Um lindo final de semana. Abraços
Beautiful photos Fiona. I loved the funny story too :) Have a wondeful day! Elisabeth x
Good morning Fiona!
So glad to hear your daughter is happy again! Your little story made me laugh! :)
That cottage looks like a marshmallow, I would love to take a peek inside.
Enjoy the weekend!
What a nice chatty post, Fiona! I love that waterfall shot and the dozing bay horse! I do love horses!
I had to laugh at your chatty encounter with the twin brother of your daughter's latest beau! My son goes out with an identical twin sister so I know what you mean!!
Don't talk about Easter eggs yet, I'm doing my spring diet!!!
Have a wonderful weekend! Sandra xo
Hi, Fiona!
I have enjoyed with your post!
This little cottage is so lovely! Very beautiful photos!
Its nice to hear that your daughter is happy again and i laughed enough with the twin brother.
Have a great weekend and thanks for hosting!
Olá Fiona, deslumbrantes as suas fotos Adorei essa casa de campo e a queda de água queda de água. Esses passeios são
excelentes para revigorar apesar de cair de vez em quando:))! Engraçado foi mesmo essa confusão com o irmão gémeo! Também me acontecem coisas assim! Tenha um lindo dia e semana. Abraço Ailime
You take the most beautiful photographs. I love the cottage ... it's like something straight out of a John Hinde postcard. Have a lovely weekend - no talking to strangers now :)
Hi Fiona, I left a comment which didn't take. So I'll try again and try and remember what I said!
I enjoyed your chatty post and just loved the photo of the waterfall and that dozing bay horse.
I had to laugh about your talkative encounter with the twin brother of your daughter's latest beau!! My son goes out with an identical twin sister, so I know how it goes!
Have a wonderful weekend! Sandra
Beautiful pictures... I would post some green but we aren't seeing too much green these days. Maybe in June.
Beautiful pictures... I would post some green but we aren't seeing too much green these days. Maybe in June.
Delightful post, Fiona! I loved the pictures and am happy to hear your daughter has her 'happy' back! I always mess up when chatting with beaus!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Fiona, a lovely collection of images. The waterfall and daffodils are pretty and the horse is a cutie. Looks like a beautiful place for a walk. I am so happy for your daughter, funny story about the twin. Wishing you a happy weekend, Eileen!
Good morning Fiona, and Happy Weekend. Lovely photos, as always.
Joy x x
Lovely, chatty post Fiona and the glimpses of spring truly brightened my day!
Muito lindo,Fiona!!Não poderia deixar de vir aqui. Mesmo não podendo participar( não tenho mais tempo pra ler todos ,como gosto de fazer) vim deixar meu beijo e hoje, em especial, desejar FELIZ DIA DAS MULHERES! chica
What a beautiful place! The scenery is stunning. I love that little cottage . Laughing at the stupid sheep.
Glad to hear that your daughter is happy and found a sweet new friend. After a horrible heart break my daughter has found love again too... and he is wonderful!!!!
Have a great weekend Fiona!
Beautiful. Pictures. Damn sheep...we have deer and it makes me so angry when they eat my flowers!
Happy your daughter has a happy heart again.
Thanks for sharing!
Such beautiful roses and a wonderful cottage. All your pictures are beautiful. I hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Loved the little Irish cottage and really liked visualizing you peeking in the windows realizing someone might live there.
The place you climbed in the hills for your walk looks lovely. Could you please send me a message and let me know exactly where that is located? Sorry about your slips and slides ands falls. Silly guys making fun of you . . . very pretty you look for your trek . . .
Good news about Ms Raindrops and I enjoyed a chuckle about your conversation with "the twin!"
Lastly . . . could you send a bit of yellw my way!
I hope many bright spots come your way this week!
Dear Fiona great post, and wonderful pictures!Fantastic images!Ireland is a paradise!!I love tittle cottages and this looks so cute!What a shame those sheeps eat those beautiful daffodils!!Hope you have a lovely weekend!
You gave me the giggles this morning! That sounds like something I would do. Bless your heart!
Your pictures are all lovely. What a great place to walk.
Have a lovely weekend are great for getting out and about.... walking and taking fab photos:)Enjoy mother's day on Sunday!
Love your photos. Glad your daughter's heart is better. And I love the colored eggs. Happy Women's Day. sandie
Hello Fiona,
I love the photos from your walk....
It is International Women Day so Happy Day to you.
Mama Bear
Oh I love everything - the walk -the flowers - the eggs - the horse - the tiny cottage. Thanks for taking us along.
Beautiful!! I like that chocolate egg... so colorful!
Seu post é um sonho de tao lindo
os narcisos parecem anjinhos
e você esta muito elegante caminhando
Lovely photos have a great Mother's Day.
laughing at your twin story! :) sweet horse. beautiful falls! wow! (the water falls - not your falls). and LOVE that adorable cottage. funny stupid sheep, too.
Olá, como vai? Sua narrativa de hoje é adorável...achei singela a casinha rústica e ri muito com seu comentário sobre os tombos que levou na caminhada. Os chocolates são de encher os olhos (e a boca, hahaha). Um abraço, Feliz Dia das Mulheres para você!
I love the photos of the little cottage. Good thing there wasn't a face looking back at you when you peeked inside. :) I always enjoy your beautiful photos and your stories. That would be embarrassing chatting up the wrong twin and I'm sure I've done it with someone whom I thought was someone else on more than one occasion. Have a lovely weekend. Pamela
Fiona, I am happy to join your party today. Love your photos, that cottage looks like it is straight out of a storybook. Love the sprinkled Easter eggs, too. We woke up to several inches of snow today, Spring in just 13 more days. xo
Love your post today, Fiona. Laughed at your talking to the wrong twin. Glad your daughter has a new friend and is happy again.
Love the cottage. What a sweet story about the twin.
Hi Fiona. I love your funny story, yabba yabba yabba . Node to see that your daughter is happy again. I love that little cottage, just gorgeous.
Have a nice weekend
What a beautiful waterfalls! That's a place I could spend lots of time exploring. :)
I loved this post, I had a good laugh at your expense, Fiona! (Sorry!)
The wrong twin chat was just too funny! :)
Marissa xx
What an adorable little cottage ... what did it look like on the inside?
Miałaś cudowny spacer i przykro mi, że upadłaś na tyłek, a Twoim mężczyźni się śmiali.Rozmowa z bratem chłopaka z którym się spotyka Twoja córka, musiała być dla niego zabawna. Bardzo cieplutko pozdrawiam.
You had a wonderful walk and I'm sorry that you fell down on your ass, and your men to śmiali.Rozmowa boyfriend with his brother with whom you meet your daughter must have been fun for him. Very nice and warm regards.
The little cottage is lovely, so colourful!
Happy for your daughter, life goes on!
Happy weekend my dear!
A delightful post! Never seen eggs like that, must be tasty! Ah, your daughter's cowl (infinity scarf) looks like the one I made for my daughter. Glad she's feeling better:)
What a lovely post! Loved your beautiful roses and that waterfall was stunning. Always good to be able to get out in the fresh air for a nice walk. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Oh! Wasn't that little cottage so sweet?!
Hello Fiona,
I enjoyed reading your recent posting. It sure made me smile.
Your pics are beautiful, love that little cottage...
Have a wonderful weekend. Take care!
Great post and beautiful photos!
I am glad to here that your daughter is happy again!
Your story made me smile!
Have a nice weekend!
What a fun story about the twin!!!
So delighted your daughter is on the mend and enjoying life.
Your photos are magical!
Hi, sweet Fiona! Thank you for such a happy post! I'm glad for your sweet daughter and I'm still laughing with your twin story :0) Love the sweet cottage and the roses as well.
Have a happy weekend
Lot of love
Hello Fiona, I don't believe you walked 7km you look too glamorous! Love the little Irish house, it is adorable. So glad your daughter is happy again and don't feel too bad about talking to the wrong man, sure anyone could make that mistake.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day. I hope you will be doing something lovely. Many thanks for your visit, and you are quite right, all colours are lovely! Enjoy your weekend, love Linda xx
Olá, querida Fiona
Me faz bem ver o seu post a cada semana!!!
Lindas as fotos!!!
Bjm festivo (pelo nosso dia) de paz e bem
Minus the slipping and falling on one's bum part, I'd enjoy that walk as the scenery is beautiful, Fiona!
I thought of you today. I was looking at the "Canada Blooms" website (an annual flower show) and it seems one of the displays this year is going to be some kind of Irish inspired garden.
Have a lovely weekend.
I'm delighted for your daughter too Leslie.....
Great news.
I love that cottage--want to move right in! Beautiful pictures. I'm happy for your daughter.
Beautiful pics! I want to live in that cute house for a week!
Dearest Fiona,
Wow, I truly enjoyed the visit here this morning. GORGEOUS images☆☆☆
Hello to you at the trekking place♡♡♡ Beautiful scene with water fall and so on; haha, you made me laugh for the sipping sentence. I loved to see daffodils and cute horse.
Wishing to post next week;
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
And Happy Coming St, Patricks Day!
What a cute story. Gorgeous photos of the woods and the waterfall. It was worth the hike.
Oh, Fiona, surely all identical twins must expect to be mixed up with their counterpart. But it's a cute story! :D
What a fun post :).
Your post could be right out of a fairytale book, Fiona! Very beautiful!!
Have a sweet Sunday x
HEllo Fiona!
How lovely your are already having daffodils outside! I have a couple of pots inside they blossomed this week...
otherwise outside there is still snow, much less though, and cold, much less though, and lots of sun for almost two weeks now! Hurraaa!
Good with a long walk, the waterfall picture is breathtaking! Is that you on the photo? You look great!
The cottage is really cute and don't worry about talking to the wrong tween brother instead...
it makes a good funny story! If we did everything "right" we would never lough!
all my love xoxoxo
Calling by your blog and reading this post, cheered me and made me smile today. Sorry I have not been participating recently but know you understand why.
I love that little cottage you 'snooped' in. I would have done the same. Funny talking to the lad's twin brother! A very happy blog.
You looked adorable on your walk! Hope the bum is okay. :)
Happy for your daughter! Broken hearts aren't glad all is well.
Those eggs are so pretty!
Hope you have a great week!
Hi Fiona, I loved your walk you did see some lovely things and what a cute wee cottage with the thatched roof.
I'm so glad your daughter is feeling happy again and how embarassing for you talking to the twin lol, made me laugh though.
Hope you have a wonderful week.
Lovely photos. The walk sounds great. You live in a very beautiful place.
Delightful post and fantastic photography! ^_^
Thanks for coming by ^_^
It was quite a shock to my system to see so many pink and lime green houses in the Miami, Florida area the first time I went down there.
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