Saturday 6 August 2011

Another Pink Saturday.............

This morning I have had to bring the hounds Oscar and Charlie to the vet.

Oscar broke his leg badly at Christmas. 
He jumped a wall and fell on ice, has had surgery twice and has been back and forth to the vet since.

Today he was discharged which is great so no more vet bills! 

Charlie was neutered last week and so needed to go and have his stitches removed this morning. 

Honestly these two cost me more than the kids! 

Had a lovely walk with them just mooching around the countryside.

It is raining again but nice soft rain that makes the grass appear so green and the wonderful smells around are a treat to the nose!

~Walked around the garden and noticed that my poor roses are dampened down with raindrops


The hydrangea I planted into a pot last year has "one" flower - just one!!!

and my poor petunias look a little weather beaten.

Here's hoping the sun shines tomorrow.

Happy Saturday.

Today I am joining up with Beverley
on Pink Saturday and also with Today's Flowers 
and Flowers on Saturday


BB said...

Great pictures. You have too much rain and we need it. Glad the babies are all better. Vets are expensive aren't they? What we won't do for our pups.

mercedes scott said...

Oh, your poor pups! (and your wallet!) I love your pinks this week - especially the 'pink' tongue on Charlie (great pic!). Happy Pink Saturday :) p.s. thanks so much for your visit to my blog and your kind words.

Chatty Crone said...

I hope both dogs stay well for awhile - for their sake and your pocketbooks sake.

And may I say I love those pink flower - eye candy for the soul.

Kelee Katillac said...

Oh Oscar!

I know... we adore our Oliver.... we have to spend it on them because they are family! Aren't they? Unconditional love....

love, kelee @

Anonymous said...

Our rain today is of the hard variety - at times bouncing back up! Hope the dogs now remain in good health, and save you the horrors of vet bills!

Micupoftea said...

Glad both poochies are doing well...cute photos of them~
Happy Pink Sat!

Sush said...

OH my vet bills are so huge these days! We had to have surgery for our 15 year old baby last year and it was HUGE. I would have raffled off a child to help with expenses but they'd all moved out..(just kidding).

Love the light and lovely~


Bethe77 said...

Wonerful to hear that your Oscar was released from the vet and that Dharlie is doing well after surgey. I know I say that my CK cost us more than the kids ever did medically. When Luke was a live I said he was the million dollar dog. Im sure he was.
Love all the lovely pink you shared with us today.
Many blessings

Eileen said...

I really like your photos, particulary the one of the dog with his tongue out!

Carletta said...

Love the collage!
The pink tongue made me smile. :)
Carletta's Captures

Unknown said...

what a gorgeous collection of pinks. glad to hear your dogs are doing alright.

Today's Flowers

poppilinnstudios said...

Beautiful pink photo's! Awwww, glad to hear your dogs are doing well. Love the photo of your dog with his pink tongue!

DeniseinVA said...

Poor puppies, hope they both heal quickly. Your flowers are so pretty even with all that rain but I am wishing you sunshine today.

Kathy said...

It has been so hot and dry here - my flowers are falling over wilting - must go outside NOW and water!
Hope you have a great day!
Hope your dogs heal quickly!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh my poor oscar. Our dog jumped from our porch to catch the ball and broke his leg too, it was painful to see.

My share of blue, have a nice week ahead!

Sarah said...

I popped over from Maggie's at Normandy LIfe. Pretty pinks and that Oscar looks to be a sweetheart. You can send TX some of that rain. LOL
~ Sarah

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