has been busy, a lot hApPy and a little sad...
I walked, I read, I gardened, I drank, I shopped. I laughed,
I said goodbye to an old fRieNd...
and even though I always admire the thatched roof
I think it looks even prettier with the autumn leaves behind it.
and in the autumn of her life was our lovely Mittens who lived with us for 17 years.
She fell asleep on Tuesday
I am sure she is now chasing mice and birds in pussycat heaven.
we are sad that she has gone but happy that she was part of our family for so long.
The usual rules apply...
Thank you to all who participate I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do
Raindrops and Daisies

She fell asleep on Tuesday
I am sure she is now chasing mice and birds in pussycat heaven.
we are sad that she has gone but happy that she was part of our family for so long.
the summer garden is losing some of it's beauty...
but some things are lasting well...
the owl and the pussycat
and so looking ahead...
I treated myself to a new cookbook (another one to adorn the shelves of the kitchen)
but it does look pretty...
I treated myself to a new cookbook (another one to adorn the shelves of the kitchen)
but it does look pretty...
There are some great recipes in there and so I might try out a few or I might not...
watch this space...
watch this space...
lovely heartbruised daughter who was sad
is enjoying single life and smiling again...
Isn't it funny that when your children are happy you are happy too!!
I bought some new boots to keep me warm as the days get cooler
€18 - sure you couldn't leave them behind, could you?
and I can turn the cuffs down if I want a snuggly fleecy cosy look...
I planted some bulbs in my pots so that when Spring arrives I will have some loveies in pots.
and just to remind you that it is 66 days until Christmas!
Yippee love Christmas, how about you?
Do you enjoy that special time of year?
*** finally a tip for you all that I read in a magazine ...
when choosing a new lipstick
it should be as close as possible in colour
to your gums
the lady on the Estee Lauder counter
wasn't too impressed with me when I started pulling
at my cheeks and gums pushing lipsticks inside them
trying to compare
needless to say I still haven't found the perfect shade!
Friday has arrived
and that means Green Day 18
The usual rules apply...
Thank you to all who participate I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do
Raindrops and Daisies

Post your Green Photos here and enjoy others from around the world too.
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What a lovely white house with that special roof. Autumn is a beautiful time, although sometimes a little bit sad in a way....Your cat has already found a lot of new friends in pussycat heaven, I´m sure.
That owl is just sweet and those boots Fiona, oh la la! Have a sunny weekend! Sofia.
The little houses are great! And today my entry is dedicated to you :)
Gorgeous pictures Fiona! I wish I could visit Ireland this time of year. Your new boots are really pretty and such a bargain.
I'm sorry to hear about your cat.
Have a nice weekend! :)
Hi Fiona, poor mittens, not easy when a beloved pet passes. I had a white cat like mitten we adopted when I was growing up, called Pangur Bán.
Loving the boots, and your right about the thatched roof, it does look particularly lovely in the autumn light and background!
As fotos são lindas, mas eu gostei demais dessa casa e do telhado dela. Simples e com um ar muito romântico.
A bota é linda e deve ser super confortável e quentinha.
Com certeza a sua gatinha linda está morando lá no céu junto com outros gatinhos que já partiram também.
Lindas flores!
Um lindo final de semana. Abraços.
Fiona, sorry to read about mittens,she had a lovely long life with you :-)
The hydrenga is gorgeous in your garden they are all blue here.
You had to buy the boots :-)
.....still chuckling here with the image of you flashing your gums.
have a lovely weekend.
Annie x
Lovely pictures! There are some cosy looking cottages near to me as well, and I'd soo love to see inside them on a winter day!!
Sorry to hear about Mittens your cat, but at least you had a wonderful 17 years with her....and I'm sure she is chasing mice in cat heaven!! :)
(Love those boots by the way, quite a bargain!!!)
Witam. Masz dwie informacje, które mnie szczególnie poruszyły. Złą i smutną, że nie ma już kotka wśród Was oraz bardzo dobrą, że córka znowu się uśmiecha. Pozdrawiam.
Welcome. You have two pieces of information that particularly moved me. The bad and sad that there is no cat among you, and very good that the daughter was smiling again. Yours.
Hi Fiona! A lovely green post:) Thanks! I loved that house with a thatched roof and its backdrop! You live in a lovely place:) I'm happy to spread the word about your fabulous meme in my blogsphere, and hope that Indian and Asian friends will start participating soon:) Cheers! Have a great time:):)
Que lindas tuas fotos,Fiona! E são vários momentos mostrados: alegres e a despedida da tua Mittens. Isso dói. Fiquei imaginando tu experimentando batons, puxando as bochechas,rss Lindo fim de semana! beijos,chica
Ha! Realised at the last minute that my latest project is completely green! Phew! Enjoyed your post today, what a lovely cat Mittens looks like, sad for you to have lost her, but she lived to a good age and I'm sure had a happy life with you x Happy baking! or happy shelf-admiring at least!!
Lindas fotos! A sua participação é sempre muito completa e variada!
Aprecio muito!
Desejo um excelente dia verde! Abraço.Ailime
Lieben Gruß und einen Tag voll Sonnenschein
Lively autumn post with lovely photos - I am sorry, Linda that your sweet cat has died! It's sad. Christa
I'm so sorry for the loss of dear Mittens.
I enjoyed your photos so much. The thatched roof home is lovely. I, too, collect cookbooks and yours looks like a great addition! Happy to hear about your daughter feeling better. Wishing you a delightful weekend. Mildred
Beautiful photos, Fiona!
Sorry for the loss of your beautiful Mittens.
What a beautiful house, love the roof.
Ireland is on my top list of countries I want to visit.
Have a great weekend.
Oh the thatched cottage looks co great against the leaves this is a gorgeous picture. So sorry to hear about you cat. Have a great weekend
Dear Fiona,
I have posted my green day 18 post. Still not linked it. but its there.
I cried when i read your post.
I am very sensitive when it comes to animals.. as they cannot speak. So sorry for the loss of your cat Mittens. like you wrote.. he is in kitty heaven now.
Your photos of today's green day are stunning Fiona.. those deep burgandy hortense.. Hydrangeas.. are so lovely..
You still have some nice flowers around.
The little thatched cottage is so cute.
Do people live there!
happy Friday Fiona.
So sorry about your cat Mittens, we`ve lost one cat last year. He was only 10 months old, but he is still in our hearts. Funny and lovely friend.
Your flowers are beautiful, Fiona! I do love your boots as well! Want the same right now :O)
Have a sweet and yummy weekend
Sad to hear about Mittens . . . Love visits from you . . . Thatched roof, flowers fading, autumn in bloom, daughter happy, knowing your toes will be fashionably warm! Great Fiona pat! Love . . .
I will try that last part again . . .
Great Fiona post . . . Love . . . from Lynne . . .
Your photos are just beautiful today! I just adore that little house with the thatched roof!
I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear Mittens. She was a beauty. I love cats so much and they are such a part of the family. *HUGS*
oi fiona! também perdi minha cadelinha ...dói muito !!
amei essa casa com esse telhado inclinado!
lindas imagens! bjssssss
i am sorry for the loss of your sweet cat. i know that pain well... :(
i love the little home with the thatched roof. how incredibly quaint. the photo of the yellow leaves against the green grass was the most beautiful of all to me today. :)
keep smiling and be happy, fiona! (you made me laugh w/ the lipstick comparison to your gums).
Sorry about that! I do understand.
Have a Big Hug!
What a pretty - pretty cat!
Nevertheless have a sunny weekend!
♥ Franka
R.I.P. Mittens....she's beautiful, and enjoying the afterlife! All your pix were great, but the thatched-roof house grabbed my heart - so rural and old-fashioned....does anyone live there?
What a delightful Green Day post in which I am happy to be back and able to participate in your meme again.
So sorry to hear of the loss of Mittens, Fiona. I love all your photos. So glad to hear your daughter is happy and enjoying life. I had to laugh at the lipstick story. :0)
Fiona, lindas imagens. Animais são como uma parte da família e é triste quando se vão...dei risadas com seu episódio contando sobre a escolha do batom, hahaha. E eu adoraria botas como essa, sou super friorenta. Um abraço, linda semana!
I am so sorry about Mittens - what a pretty cat.
I love the cottage - when I was a wee girl I always dreamt of living in a cottage with a thatched roof, I don't suppose I ever will though :(
I'm loving your boots - you are so good at hunting out the bargains :))
Your story about the lipstick reallty made me smile.
Have a great weekend Fiona.
Hi Fiona! I am sorry to hear bout poor mittens...hate losing pets:( Hope you have a nice sunny weekend!
~Anne xx
Hi Fiona, I am sorry to hear about Mittens. I am sure Mittens is playing happily at "Rainbow's Bridge". You can Google this, it is a lovely poem. I like your boots, and glad your daughter is feeling happy agsin. I love the trio of horses in your header. xo
The hydrangea are lovely (and so are your other pics) , but in Holland I saw some red ones (I'd never seen before) -this comes close to it! Losing a pet is hard, and hope that the Fall colors will lift your spirits:)
Hi Fiona!Im so sorry to here about Mittens!I had a dog and lost him and now i have a citty,and i know how you feel!I adore the farm house!!Great pictures!Full of Autumn colors!Wish you a lovely weekend!
Oh my goodness me - Fiona! I am ashamed to always mix up the names... I am terribly sorry! It must be very annoying for you! I am glad you told me - I will not mix it up anymore! Promised! I hope you still like me... Christa
Hi Fiona. Gosh, so many comments I had to scroll down through!! I love the way you have grouped your photos together today. Oh, I am so sorry that poor Mittens has passed away. 17 years with you is a very long time, so I am sure that she will leave a big gap in your home. So pleased that your daughter is happy again and, yes, when our children are happy, we are definitely happy, aren't we?! Have a lovely weekend x
Oh, by the way, loved the boots!
Your sweet little Mittens has gone to pussy heaven. How sweet to put her photo in among the flowers.
I love the thatched roof on that little cottage set in the autumn colours.
So you're an Edward Lear fan?! "The owl and the pussy cat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat!" I love some of his funny rhymes!
Nice warm boots! Have a great weekend!
Fiona , it is so sad that you missed your sweet cut !
Your Green Day is full of autumn colours !
I liked your new bοοts !They will keep you warm
at cool days !Have a nice weekend !
So sorry that you have lost your beloved Mittens...how fitting that she went to sleep...in the autumn...of her years.
I love your boots...and for that price you could not have passed them up...and I love how you left us on a laughing note -- matching lip colour to gums...never heard of that but why not? If anything, checking out your gums and holding a lippy colour to them would make for some interesting looks and comments at the cosmetic counter!!
Happy weekend! xo
Your little Mittens is the sweetest...so sorry his life ended....they are so like family members. You will miss him dearly. Love, love the boots, you are so stylish! The cookbook looks wonderful also....the vanilla roll with raspberry like filling...oh my. So happy you are seeing smiles from your daughter again!
Fiona, so sorry for your loss of your beautiful Mittens. I did enjoy your Green Day post. Such a lovely collage, full of gorgeous flowers and colors. I love the boots and the cake looks yummy. Maybe you can share you favorite recipe from your new cookbook sometime. I am waiting for my son to bounce back from his last heartbreak. Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing. I wish you a happy weekend.
Such a sweet looking kitty - looks like very soft fur.
Dear Fiona, I am so sorry to hear about loss of your lovely Mittens. Mittens always will be in your memories!
I love every photograph you posted. They are all amazing and a pure pleasure and joy to look at them.
Fiona, I am originally from Lithuania and Ireland was the first country who accepted our independence. I have never been in Ireland but when i will have a chance to travel I will visit your beautiful country. it's my dream
I wish you a beautiful and happy weekend. And creative.
I am so very very sorry about the loss of your Mittens - I know that has to be hard. I love your photos.
Such a beautiful puss she was and so sad when they leave. I am pleased to hear she went in her sleep....such a gentle way to go.
I love your suede boots,giggled at the thought of you trying to pair the colour of the lipstick with the colour of your gums,skipped the no no cake pics and admired the flower and autumn colour photos.
Its now pelting down with rain here and hopefully we'll be off up into the mountains tomorrow to admire what a good drop of rain can do to transform the countryside.
keep well
Amanda :-)
Gorgeous post Fiona. So sorry to hear about your sweet mittens. Ooh the Rachel Allen book is on my Christmas list, I just LoVe her.
Victoria xx
Lovely post Fiona. What a sweet kitty. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your boots look so soft and comfy.
Like the collage and the white cat.A good concept of letting people post their pictures.
Very nice post...full of beauty and colour!
I am sorry for your loss...
I love Christmas too..and I like your boots...
Your garden is amazing always!
Sorry to hear about mittens but 17 years is pretty impressive! I was never a pet loving person until we adopted, albeit temporariliy, a kitten we call Stumpy...now I'm a big softy for cats! Love the Owl and the Pussycat in your garden and that cake pic has made me drool.....yum! :)
Hi Fiona,
Seems like you've had a nice week. The autumn is beautiful with it's colours isn't it?! I love this time of year.
I love your photos and that cook book seems nice :)
Enjoy your weekend!
Wonderful blog and collage of photos are fantastic ~ Healing hugs to you ~ so sad about your beautiful white 'Mittens' ~ hard to lose them ~ sending you lots of healing hugs ~ (A Creative Harbor)^_^
I`m so sorry for the loss of your kitty,they are like members of our family,children really,it is so hard to say goodbye.I just lost my girl,Maggie,in Sept.It is never easy to say goodbye.
I love your blog,found you thru Eileen.
Yes, I think we are only as happy as our saddest child.
Sweet comfort to you on the loss of your little furry, white companion
of 17 years. It is not easy to lose a little love such as she.
What is this party all about? I must check to see what I can see.
I was sad to read about the passing of your lovely cat. I can imagine she must have had a very good life at your home.
Your photos in this post are just wonderful, Fiona! I can see why so many people drop by to visit your blog and add a comment!
Have a wonderful week.
Good evening Fiona, I was sorry to hear you had lost your lovely cat Mittens, it's very hard when she has been part of your life for 17 years. I love your boots....very trendy. Snap, I have just planted some dwarf tulips. I like the dwarf variety as there isn't so much greenery left after the flowers have finished. Have a good week. Best Wishes Daphne
Wow. Can't believe the amount of comments!! I've only just started following you. Your blog is so lovely and your photos amazing. Sorry to hear about your cat... And in a more shallow note - the boots are beautiful. Where are they from??
Wow. Can't believe the amount of comments!! I've only just started following you. Your blog is so lovely and your photos amazing. Sorry to hear about your cat... And in a more shallow note - the boots are beautiful. Where are they from??
Hi Fiona. I'm so sorry to hear about Mittens.
I haven't linked her in a while.. I need to capture some green shots. I am going to try my best in the coming week.
Big hugs
Dearest Fiona,
OMG, so sorry for the news of your lovely Mittens!!! This post is such a beautiful tribute for your kitty. And also sorry for my belated comment. Yes, I loved the way you created this post with collage and beautiful pictures of flowers and sweets. I love your new boots♡♡♡ I truly appreciate your lovely comments for my posts even it was not for the green day. I will be able to pst this week, my friend.
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Hello dear Fiona,
I am sorry about your cat...
Your post is full of beauties. Love that little house!
: )
Hello Fiona, I found your page via Val Antejo's Blog. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your whiskered friend. :( I know all to well how sad those goodbyes can be.
On the other hand, I'm happy to hear your daughter is cheering up, and as a mother of two children (19 and 23) I totally understand how our children's happiness is our happiness.
Love the beautiful collage and the colors of my favorite season.
Much love,
So sad to read that you have lost your old mate "Mittens". You have enjoyed and loved her for many years.
I love your colourful pictures and reading news from your 'neck of the woods'.
Thank you for your nice comment on my blog. You have so many followers, I'm surprised you still find time, so I appreciate it all the more.
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