It's been cold here and just when I thought Spring was on it's way
she disappeared and left her friend Mr. Winter with us.
Myself. Mr. Raindrops Teenager Raindrops and 2 crazy dogs went walking
It was bitterly cold and I wrapped up well
I looked like someone attempting to climb Mount Everest
but better to be safe than sorry right?!
We had beautiful views of the Wicklow mountains
and even though I moaned about the cold it was worth it.
It was bitterly cold and I wrapped up well
I looked like someone attempting to climb Mount Everest
but better to be safe than sorry right?!
We had beautiful views of the Wicklow mountains
and even though I moaned about the cold it was worth it.
On Saturday it started to snow and as it was quite heavy
I decided to go to the supermarket and do all my shopping
just in case we were stranded without anything to eat for the week,
it looked lovely
but sure when I came out with a trolley load of shopping
it was gone....
I don't....
take the food off the shelves
put it into the trolley
take the food out of the trolley
and put it on the conveyor belt
put it back into the trolley
take the bags out of the trolley
and put them into the car
take the bags out of the car
and take them into the house
take the food out of the bags
and put it into the cupboards
.... agghh time for tea!!!!
just to make the job more appealing
I decided to go to the supermarket and do all my shopping
just in case we were stranded without anything to eat for the week,
it looked lovely
it was gone....
Do you like grocery shopping?I don't....
take the food off the shelves
put it into the trolley
take the food out of the trolley
and put it on the conveyor belt
put it back into the trolley
take the bags out of the trolley
and put them into the car
take the bags out of the car
and take them into the house
take the food out of the bags
and put it into the cupboards
.... agghh time for tea!!!!
Anyway when I was food shopping I bought a new bookjust to make the job more appealing
I haven't started it yet but it sounds promising
it's a story about mothers and daughters
Look at this shop isn't it just so pretty
they have the most wonderful Spring flowers on show
and sure you couldn't help but smile at the bright colours and the gorgeous scent...
and so
I had to buy....
they have the most wonderful Spring flowers on show
and sure you couldn't help but smile at the bright colours and the gorgeous scent...

and so
I had to buy....
pretty white hyacinths for the kitchen,
romantic and dreamy...
I also have some tulip bulbs in a basket that I bought a few weeks ago
the label said they were white but they seem to be a very orangey shade of white...
During the week I spotted (!) some pretty mugs in a discount shop
and they were only €1.49 each!
The boys don't like these ones (whew!!!!) as they are too small
that suits me as it means they wont be using them!
I enjoy drinking out of china cups or mugs and I don't like them too big either
if I'm making tea I always use a teapot
I don't think the tea tastes as nice from a teabag in a cup.
My kids think I'm bonkers
but I suppose we all have our funny little ways don't we?
Or maybe it's just me......
What do you think?
{Green Day 34}
Why not post your photos here?
Thank you to all who participate I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do
Raindrops and Daisies
The object of the link up
is to post a photograph of something green.
Now here comes the boring bit - a few rules
The photos can be of anything you like
once they have a green theme,
green fields, pretty green things, green clothes,
green leaves, green foods,
green leaves, green foods,
anything at all that takes your fancy!
I hope that you will join in the fun.
I hope that you will join in the fun.
1. Please do not post anything that may be deemed offensive to others.
2. Only post material that belongs to you.
3. When posting your photographs please link back to Raindrops and Daisies
4. Link directly to your Green Day post and not to the url of your blog
5. Try and visit some of the other participants and leave a comment
Hi Fiona, and Happy Friday. Looks like you've had an interesting week. I love those mugs. I am a coffee drinker and my sister sent me a few mugs last year, that has become my fav mugs. Hope we will see some improvements in the weather, it feels a little bit warmer. But me being a Swede, everything above +5C is warm ;) That book sounds interesting. Enjoy your weekend.
Hugs x
Dearest Fiona,
Oh, view of the Wicklow mountains is really wonderful♡♡♡ I sure understand the feeling you said. I wish I had the gorgeous nature like you have for walking♬♬♬
Tea from the pot sounds nice for me. I love the one s you bought, very cute. My husband laughs as I use mugs for green tea; it is useful with handle p;) I'm thinking to look for new one.
Wonderful pictures and I love your flowers as well(*^_^*)
It is slowly getting warmer here in my area, Take Care of Yourselves!
Thank you very much for hosting;
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Have a delightful weekend. I could curl up with that book myself. Think I'll see if I can get it on Amazon.
Nice view of the Wicklow mountains.
The flowers shop is so pretty.
Have a happy weekend! Hugs
A very busy week but those beautiful views make it all worthwhile. (I'm with you on the tea btw.)
Lovely post Fiona!!! I enjoyed it from the beginning till the end!!!
happy weekend, xxxx Ale
My other half always makes a pot of tea for us both to drink in bed each morning, its definitely heaps better than any other tea during the day.
Spring is here now, it should start to warm up soon.
Joy x x
Hello Fiona,
What a lovely post.
You live in a beautiful area of Ireland. The views of the Wiklow mountains are stunning..
You had a busy shopping day.
like you, buying ,conveyor belt, putting it all away.. i am always ready for a cup of tea.
I have a small teapot I use now and again..just for one. Mainly i drink from a cup, now and again a smaller mug. your mugs are great.
The flower shop is amazing..what happy colours.
I love your bulbs and flowers.
happy weekend.
Dear Fiona
Looks like you have had a lovely week. I would love to spend some time in that florist's shop. What a wonderful burst of colour! Hope you have a great weekend too.
Best wishes
Such gorgeous photos. I also hate grocery shopping with a passion .. so much so, that I now do it online and have it delivered. If I could just persuade the delivery guy to put it all away for me, my life would be complete!! Love the pic of the florists - what an amazing colour. Like something out of Ballamory!
Apesar do frio, conseguiste passear e fazer lindas fotos! Linda vista por lá!
Tudo muito lindo aqui! beijos,ótimo fim de semana! chica
I find your Friday posts so cheerful, they make my morning sunnier, love your humor!
happy Friday, dear friend... have a great weekend... (^-^)/
Happy Friday, Fiona! I love your view of the mountains, what a lovely walk. I am so ready for Mr Winter to take a hike. Your flowers are beautiful and I like the cute mugs. I am a coffee drinker and I need a big mug in the morning. Beautiful photos and mosaics, have a happy weekend. Thanks for hosting!
Olá Fiona, belíssimas fotos das montanha aí! E a neve sempre proporcionando momentos lindos! As flores lindíssimas. Os filhos e maridos têm ideias diferentes de nós. Que haveremos de fazer? Continuar sorrindo. Abraços. Ailime
What a lovely post and stunning photos especially of the countryside and the gorgeous hot pink flower shop! I prefer to drink tea from china cups too - seems to taste better!
Hallo Fiona!
Beautiful post!!
Nice view of the Wicklow mountains!!Ireland must be so beautiful in Spring!I can imagine!
Your pictures are amazing!
Wishing you a lovely Friday and a Happy New Month!
I love this post it is so colourful and bright roll on the spring. Have a lovely weekend Fiona
Ach ta okropna zima przykryła znową bielą piekną zieleń, którą pokazałaś będąc na spacerze. Kubki są urocze i z przyjemnością piłabym w nich kawę, bo herbatę rzadko piję. Kubki są w kropki, które bardzo lubię, widać to zreszta na moim blogu (tło). Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
Oh, this terrible winter again covered with white beautiful green that you showed while on a walk. Mugs are adorable and happy piłabym coffee in them, because rarely drink tea. Mugs are the dots that I really like, you can see it on my blog, moreover, (background). Regards warm.
I agree with you, tea out of a teapot is by far better, it also means you have more time to drink it! My hyacinths have finished now in the house, but I am certainly going to get some in for the weekend. Happy Friday and have a great weekend. Chel x
That book looks interesting - let me know what you think :-)
i love your rolling hills and green landscapes - even if it was cold! so beautiful there!
Fiona, I really enjoyed your post today with all it's bright colours and pretty flowers. The scenery in your photos from your walk is gorgeous. Such a bright, bubbly, happy post! I love tea and will take it loose in an infuser or bagged, in a china cup or a mug. What pretty china cups you found! Have a lovely weekend! Blessings, Pamela
Yes, delicious with exquisite photo light, a beautiful sky.
Happy March and a bit of the Green for you Fiona . . .
Loved your post, would enjoy having tea with you . . .
May you always have these blessings . . .
A soft breeze when summer comes,
A warm fireside in winter,
And always the warm, soft smile of a friend.
Hi Fiona. I was so happy to see you had stopped by while I was away. Your post is lovely! Such beautiful pictures. It is cold here still with LOTS of snow. I can't wait for spring1
What a lovely post, Fiona! I enjoyed it very much!
I wish you a very good month of March and a happy weekend!!
Oi, Fiona, voltei para comentar! :) Adorei o termo "Sr. Inverno", hahaha, muito interessante! Lindas flores e eu realmente amo esses seus conjuntos de peças de cozinha floridos, são tão delicados...espero que a primavera chegue logo por aí. Um abraço!
Hi Fiona, I love your blog title and your pretty photos. I think you were brave going on a hike in the freezing weather but it does look lovely. I agree with you about the teapot,and I also prefer a china cup to a mug. I am quite particular about my coffee too. I hate Starbuck's big giant mugs, I much prefer a small bowl shaped cup, and then I can have another!
All your flowers are lovely even the orangey white tulips. Big hugs to you, Linda xx
Hi Fiona! Thank you you for your visit. Your blog is lovely. I totally agree with you about that teapot thing. I would take it one step further and say loose tea leaves make the very best.
I look forward to visiting with you. I wish we could share that cuppa.
Happy for you that you got some nice and beautiful things out of your shopping trip.
Don't mind grocery shopping, because it's only 5 min. away by car. Also, I can't stand it if I lack an ingredient for what I was planning to make.
Hope the weather will be kind to you coming week!
Your post today was a lovely cheer up for me!
Smiles, Dottie
Hi Fiona!
Beautiful post! A little of everything.
I like the view of the mountains.
The book looks very interesting!! I would like to have a daughter! :)
I loved the flower market. Very romantic and dreamy!
Spring is here but Mr.Winter doesn't want to leave yet!
Have a nice weekend!
Oi Fiona
Não pude participar dessa vez, estou viajando!
Adorei seu post!
as paisagens e as canecas.
Está muito frio?
aqui está muito calor e chuva
Oh my gosh! Those views of the Wicklow Mountains...the green. Never mind the snow...I'm in heaven just looking at these photos! Have a beautiful weekend Fiona!
Those views were definitely worth enduring the cold; absolutely stunning! I'm with you...don't like food shopping and most certainly prefer tea from a pot. Love the bright colors of that flower shop. Something I greatly miss. We just don't have them like that in the States. Having lived on the continent (Germany, Netherlands & Belgium) it just doesn't compare. Have a super weekend and stay warm!
Dear Fiona,
Your scenery is so beautiful! I'm so glad you posted these photos! I'll be sure to show hubby and son tomorrow. :)
That flower shop is such a pretty color! And so are those white tulips! lol
I've got little quirks too. I have an old teaspoon that I use for my coffee. It is from my childhood and has a little rose on it. Somehow the coffee taste better when stirred with that spoon.:)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, enjoy that book.:)
Hello dear :) nice blog and cute photos! now follow you with pleasure, if you will go with me to follow me;) I wish you a good weekend!
Kiss Tea.
lovely blog you have really!
Wonderful green Ireland!
Your grocery shopping made me smile!
♥ Franka
Fiona, é uma delícia fazer compras, mas quando chega a hor de : coloca no carrinho, tira do carrinho para pagar, coloca no carro para levar, tira do carro para levar até a cozinha, tira das sacolas para guardar é bem triste, dá uma caseira danada! Lindas flores! Amo tulipas, enfim seu post está encantador! Grande final de semana! Grande abraço!
Hello Fiona!
Your post made me smile
breathtaking pictures and so many pretty things!
love that flower shop
enjoy uour weekend my friend : )
Hi FIona. How I love your prett, photo,s. the mountain is beautiful and your flowers are gorgeous. I love lve the pink flowers hop have a nice week
Fiona, your photographs are so lovely. They just lift me up and make me so anxious for spring. Love your new mugs, and your flowers are gorgeous. Thanks for brightening my day! Nancy
Fiona--this is such a pretty heart-warming post. The beautiful landscapes, amazing flower shop (I love it!) your pretty cups. Thank you!
Your pictures of the mountain and the skies are beautiful!!!
The view while you were taking your walk was gorgeous! Luckily my husband likes to do the grocery shopping. So sometimes I just hand him a list of what we need and off he goes. Other times we go together.
Lovely happy photos of new mugs and cheerful spring flowers and the great view on the mountains!
I like small mugs for hot, comforting drinks too, especially when I have a new book to get set into!
I agree with the Irish proverb about a good laugh being one of the best cures for anything!
If your month of March is teasing you with snow flurries, remember that Easter isn't far away!
Fiona, your photos are lovely..
Mr. winter doesn't want to leave yet, but you brought the spring with flowers and your beautiful mugs!
I wish you a very good month of March and a happy week!!
Hello Fiona! and how are you?
I'm with you on the 'cuppa'. It's not nearly as nice drinking from thick rimmed mugs. Much prefer fine china whether it's a mug or cup. I think I'm probably addicted to tea!
Lovely flowers, beautiful views and tales of the supermarket all cheer me:)
I like that Irish proverb. Just wish I could get more of both!
Have a good week.
Happy days, Betty
Belo post.
Bom Mês de Março!
Beijinhos do Brasil.
Hi Fiona!
Your white Hyacinths are so pretty and I love your Kath Kidson pieces.
Have a lovely week.
Hi, Fiona
You've taken me back to my one and only visit to Ireland (so far!) and the beauty of the Wicklow Mountains. I think one of the reasons I like the movie "PS, I Love You" is because part of it takes place in that national park. Sigh. So gorgeous!
Oh, well, the movie is playing on TV next week so I'll watch it again and make a little toast to Ireland and you!
Have a great week.
So beauty of your dialy moments in a wonderful collage ! Great photos ,I liked the pink flower shop and the lovely cups ! The spring is coming !
Have a nice month !
Definitely yes on drinking out of pretty cups. :-) I propose you come for a visit to Switzerland - it's not that far! And we could have tea.
A wonderfully cheerful post for me today (Monday) and full of color...your flowers and the teacups are DARLING! Hope you have some more warmth!
Oh, and I do NOT enjoy food shopping AT ALL! Especially putting it away in the cupboards! YUK.
Gorgeous hyacinths! I bet they smell divine :)
Beautiful views too!
What a beautiful post from beginning to end, my friend.
I feel EXACTLY the same about groceries and you practically quoted words I have murmured many times. :)
I am more of a coffee vs tea person, but I like the exact same type of small mugs vs larger ones or teacups, and when I do have tea, I use the same.
Love your header.
Your photos are always so delightful. That shop is adorable and your flowers are gorgeous. I wouldn't have been able to resist, either.
ha ha...they ARE a little on the orangey/white side aren't they.
But nothing like having some flowers in the house to make us feel a little spring. Maybe I need to go see If I can find some for myself.
We still have TONS of snow, and here in Alberta, spring is quite a ways off matter what the calendar says. (dang)
I love pretty mugs too.
Hi Fiona, Loved seeing your photos of Ireland - reminds me of a trip I made there about 10 years ago. I was looking through my Ireland photos just yesterday, as I am planning a post for St. Patrick's day. I like your floral teacup and your mosaics are lovely. Enjoy your new book.
xo Beth
Fiona, I am your newest follower. I was so enchanted with this post, I just want to keep reading!
Blessings, Beth
Hi, I am so happy to meet you. Thank you so much for your wonderful visit. I will try to take the verification off.
You have a wonderful blog. I love the pictures, especially of the flower shop.... WOW... I would really like to browse there.
I love the tulips eventhough they were supposed to be white. It is a wonderful colour.
Have a great day.
That pink violet house and the flower shop in it looks absolutely lovely. I would buy everything in there!
I LOVE the photos of the hills with the clouds hanging above them!
Just gorgeous!
Would you believe that I wrote my Green post and then didn't link it over here on your blog!?
Good heavens - I'm bonkers.
Gorgeous post! Loved all your images.Did you take all the photos?
Witam. Jest mi przykro, ale znowu nie jest widoczny dla mnie Twój nowy post. Próbowałam wczoraj i dzisiaj i jest tak samo. :(. Pozdrawiam.
Welcome. I'm sorry, but again it is not visible to me your new post. I tried yesterday and today and the same. : (. Yours.
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